State School Payments
The May State School Funding Payments for FY2023 are posted at the following link: State School Payments.
The May 25, 2023, payment includes Guaranteed Tax Base Aid, State Lands Block Grant, State Coal Mitigation Block Grant, State Major Maintenance Aid, Debt Service Assistance and County Retirement.
The June payment will be made on June 27, 2023.
If you have questions regarding payments, please contact Autumn Belmont, Budget Analyst at (406) 444-9852.
FY 2024 Preliminary General Fund Budget Data Sheets
The Office of Public Instruction (OPI) has posted the FY2024 Post-Session Preliminary General Fund Budget Data Sheets (PBDS). The General Fund Budget Excel Spreadsheet and the General Fund Budget Overview Worksheets have also been updated. The tools below will assist schools in budgeting for the 2024 fiscal year.
- The Preliminary Budget Data Sheets are posted at the following link: CLICK HERE
- The FY2024 General Fund Budget Excel Spreadsheet and FY2024 General Fund Budget Overview Worksheet are posted at the following link: CLICK HERE
Note: Please download the current version of the spreadsheet to your computer (right-click on the link and choose "Save Target As" to save it to your desktop.) Previous versions of the spreadsheet are no longer applicable for preliminary budget purposes.
For any additional questions, please contact Laci Novark, Budget Analyst, 406-444-4401, Andrea Mohammadi, Business Analyst, (406) 444-1960, or Autumn Belmont, Budget Analyst at (406) 444-9852.
CSCT IGT Process Transitioning to DPHHS
The Montana Legislature (HB 872) has transferred the management of the Comprehensive School and Community Treatment (CSCT) Program from the Office of Public Instruction (OPI) to the Department of Public Health and Human Services (DPHHS), effective July 1, 2023. According to the DPHHS-OPI CSCT Monthly IGT timeline, the last claims for June will be processed by OPI on June 30, 2023, and the state match will be due back to OPI on Friday, July 14, 2023. It is essential all state match is received by the deadline. School districts will be required to email a PDF of a new signed MOU to the CSCT Medicaid Program Officer at DPHHS to be recorded as received by July 14, 2023. Please see the transition document for further questions. OPI would like to thank you for your continued commitment to serving our children through mental health services.
Budget Amendments
In accordance with 20-9-162, MCA, budget amendments must be adopted prior to the end of the school fiscal year (June 30th). A budget amendment may be adopted only for the purposes outlined in 20-9-161, MCA. The budget amendment packet can be found here: Budgets (
Questions: For information on Budget Amendments, please contact: Laci Novark, Budget Analyst, 406-444-4401 or email
Extracurricular Activities Participation – Due Jun 30th
Students participating in extracurricular activities in the 2022-2023 school year and who meet the requirements of 20-9-311(13), MCA may be included in the district’s FY2025 ANB count. The students must be enrolled in AIM and have their participating data entered as part of the End of Year collection. The guide to entering that information in AIM may be found here: AIM Extracurricular Activities Guide. Additionally, two documents explaining the 2021 legislative changes in SB 72 and SB 157 may be found here: Student Count ANB/Guides & Resources.
Questions: For information on Extracurricular Activities Participation, please contact: Andrea Mohammadi, Business Analyst, (406) 444-1960.
FY 2024 County Treasurer’s Reporting Forms
The County Treasurer’s Report of Countywide School Funds (county data) is due to the Office of Public Instruction by August 15, 2022, for the fiscal year ending 2022. A template of the report, “FY2022 Countywide School Funds – FP6b Version 1” (or version 2), is located on OPI’s website, County ( Please email the report to
The Office of Public Instruction (OPI) has posted the following FY 2023 County reporting forms at the following link: County (
- County Treasurer Statement (FP6a)
- FY 2023 Countywide School Funds (FB6b)
- Joint District Basic Data (FP8a)
- Joint District Tax Levy Summary (FP8b)
If you have questions regarding payments, please contact Autumn Belmont, Budget Analyst at (406) 444-9852.
FY 2024 Special Education Cooperative Reports
The Office of Public Instruction (OPI) has posted the FY 2024 Special Education Allowable Cost Funding Cooperative Preliminary reports at the following link: State School Payments (
For any additional questions, please contact Autumn Belmont, Budget Analyst at (406) 444-9852.
GASB Updates
GASB 87 - Leases
Guidance for GASB 87 on leases has been provided on the OPI website, the same information is available on the Local Government Services website. The purpose of this guidance is to help determine if a lease is within the scope of GASB 87 reporting requirements. The Effective Date is for fiscal years beginning after June 15, 2021, and all reporting periods thereafter. For questions or more information in regard to the updates please contact Kristen Becker 406-444-0701 or email
Guidance for GASB 96 on Subscription-Based Information Technology Arrangements (SBITAs) has been provided on the OPI website. The purpose of this guidance is to help determine if a subscription is within the scope of GASB 96 reporting requirements. The Effective Date is for fiscal years beginning after June 15, 2022, and all reporting periods thereafter. For questions or more information in regard to the updates please contact Autumn Belmont 406-444-9852 or email
ESSER II – Supplemental Targeted Support
The 2021 Legislature through HB 630 amended statute to suspend the funding of enrollment increases through the Anticipated Enrollment Increase (20-9-314, MCA) and Unanticipated Enrollment Increase (20-9-166, MCA) processes. However, the legislature provided for additional payments to schools for enrollment increases during FY2022 & FY2023. See the Memo on the ESSER website for more information. The Additional funding was distributed to counties in April. The ESSER II Supplemental Targeted Support funds are to be distributed through E-grants. The funds may be used for general operations purposes. The accounting codes for the ESSER II targeted support can be found in the Consolidated Guidance Document.
The Supplemental Targeted Support is not a separate grant but has been added to the Allocation page. However, you need to open an Amendment to your application in order to see the Supplemental Targeted Support column.
Questions: For information on Targeted Support, please contact: Barb Quinn, School Finance Senior Manager at (406) 444-3249 or email
Foster and Group Home Tuition Claims – Due June 30th
Per 20-5-324, MCA, foster and group home tuition claims must be submitted to the OPI no later than June 30, 2023. Tuition claims are entered directly into the MAEFAIRS system by the district. Claims cannot be entered after the June 30th deadline. The district of attendance must notify the resident district of any obligation for tuition not later than August 15th. Resident districts may view a MAEFAIRS report at any time to see claims that have been submitted. These should not be viewed as actual bills from the district of attendance, but rather an opportunity to review submitted claims. The report may be found under Views>Tuition>Foster and Group Home Resident District.
Questions: For information on Tuition, please contact: Andrea Mohammadi, Business Analyst (406) 444-1960, or Barbara Quinn, School Finance Senior Manager, 406-444-3249.
State Facility Tuition Claims
Under 20-9-435.MCA legislation passed in the 2021 Legislative Session, resident districts will now be responsible for a portion of the education costs for students in state facilities (Shodair, Intermountain, Yellowstone Boys & Girls Ranch). The state facility must notify the resident district of any obligation for tuition not later than August 15th. Resident districts may run a report in MAEFAIRS at any time to see claims that have been submitted. These should not be viewed as actual bills from the facility, but rather an opportunity to review submitted claims. The report may be found under Views>Tuition>State Facilities District of Residence.
Questions: For information on Tuition, please contact: Andrea Mohammadi, Business Analyst, (406) 444-1960, or Barbara Quinn, School Finance Senior Manager, 406-444-3249.
Tuition Forms - Complete and Entered to Maefairs
Student Attendance Agreements should be completed upon enrollment in a school (20-5-322, MCA). Students who are in foster or group homes outside of their resident district should be entered into MAEFAIRS as soon as they are approved by the attending district. This allows resident districts to review their obligations or dispute their status as resident district – facilitating payments due in the ensuing year. Please make sure to enter these agreements in a timely manner and run the reports set up for resident districts in MAEFAIRS. Please see the forms located under Tuition and Attendance.
If you have any questions, please contact Andrea Mohammadi, Business Analyst, (406) 444-1960, or Barbara Quinn, School Finance Senior Manager, 406-444-3249.
ESSA Reporting - Fiscal Year 2023 ESSA Per Pupil Data and Validations
The Federal Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) requires school-based expenditure reporting. This guidance is designed to help districts comply with statewide uniformity to fulfill the federal requirements. District compliance is essential for Federal compliance. The federal law requires all districts report expenditures by SC, regardless of enrollment, number of school buildings, or location.
The OPI has limited authority to make changes in the district’s financial records after the Trustees’ Financial Summary (TFS) report has been approved by the Board of Trustees and County Superintendent of Schools. All expenditures, including mandatory ESSA entries are the responsibility of the district. The allowable circumstances in which the OPI can make changes to the TFS are prescribed in ARM 10.10.504.
All Local Education Agencies (LEAs) report per-pupil expenditure data at the school or LEA level, including allocations of district wide expenditures to the school level. Expenditures are disaggregated by the source of (revenues) funds (state, local and federal). School level expenditure reporting is submitted to the OPI in MAEFAIRS, which publishes the information in the Montana Report Card as mandated by ESSA reporting requirements.
LEAs with only one designated SC are the only LEA’s that do not have to allocate expenditures by SC. If the LEA is designated as the Prime Agency for expenditures in the School Food Service Fund (12), Miscellaneous Programs Fund (15) and the Interlocal Agreement Fund (82) those expenditures will be reported separately in the TFS. The TFS data entry will allocate the expenditure to the appropriate entity or LEA.
Questions: For information on ESSA Per Pupil Expenditure Reporting, please contact: Andrea Mohammadi, Business Analyst 406-444-1960 or Laci Novark, Budget Analyst, 406-444-4401.
FY 2023 Elections School Elections
Upcoming Election Deadlines:
- Thursday, June 1, 2023 Deadline for trustees to request county election administrator to conduct school elections for next year.
- By Friday, June 9, 2023, Candidate completes and files Oath of Office with the County Superintendent.
Questions: For information on Elections please contact: Nicole Thuotte (406) 444-2080, Andrea Mohammadi, Business Analyst, (406) 444-1960 or Barbara Quinn, School Finance Senior Manager, 406-444-3249.
Impact Aid Application Amendments
Amendments to FY2024 Impact Aid applications will be accepted through June 30, 2023. If your district needs to make corrections to the FY2024 application, complete an application amendment through the IAGS system. Instructions for completing an amendment may be found at this link.
Questions: For information on Impact Aid reporting, please contact: Laci Novark, Budget Analyst, 406-444-4401.
FY 2023 Semester 2 Transportation Reimbursement Claims
By May 24th school districts must electronically enter and submit Bus Route Reimbursement Claims (TR6) and Individual Contract Reimbursement Claims (TR5) in the Pupil Transportation Portal.
School districts will receive state and county transportation reimbursement based on actual days for all routes operated for transporting eligible riders from home to school.
(20-10-145, MCA).
NOTE: If school districts experienced unplanned school closures, or routes were not run anytime within the semester, districts may not claim for reimbursement for those days.
Individual transportation contract claims will be reimbursed for each day of school attendance for the student and for actual miles transported.
Once the school district has submitted reimbursement claims, a signed copy by the board chair must be sent to the county superintendent.
By June 1st County superintendents must review and electronically approve the TR-5 and TR-6 claims for the second semester.
The state transportation reimbursements for second semester will be made with the June 2023 payment.
Upon receipt of electronic state payment notice, the county superintendent orders the disbursement of county reimbursement for second semester transportation based on state reimbursement.
If you have questions or require assistance entering and submitting the second semester transportation reimbursement claims, please contact Donell Rosenthal at (406) 461-9316.
MAPT 2023 Bus Driver Conference
Registration is now open for the 2023 Bus Driver Conference that will be held in Great Falls on June 21-23 at the Heritage Inn, 1700 Fox Farm Road.
CLICK HERE to register for the conference. NO AT-CONFERENCE REGISTRATION WILL BE ALLOWED. CLICK HERE for the conference agenda.
Drivers will have the opportunity to fulfill their mandatory 15 hours of training requirements.
For questions about the conference or assistance with registration, please email MAPT at
School Finance Calendar
The calendar link on the School Finance website is available for FY2023. The link will take you to the GEMS Data Reporting Calendar which is populated with important dates and deadlines that happen throughout the fiscal year. It is sortable by month and can be saved into other workable formats like Microsoft Word or Excel. You can find it here OPI (GEMS) Data Collections Calendar We hope this tool will help education staff across the state.
School Status Changes Year 2023-2024
STRUCTURE CHANGES with an effective date of July 1, 2023: School districts with changes to operating status, grade level configurations, school/district name, etc., should contact the OPI as soon as possible. Please send official notice of these change requests, on district letterhead, signed by the Authorized Representative, to the School Finance email at or Andrea Mohammadi, Business Analyst, (406) 444-1960 or Laci Novark, Budget Analyst, 406-444-4401.
Updating Contact Information
PERSONNEL CHANGES: All school districts please go to the OPI website - Directory of Montana Schools - to verify your schools’ information. Changes to the board chair, clerk/business manager, superintendent, or principal must be changed in OPI Contacts. The instructions on how to update your schools’ information can be found at the following link: Instructions. If you have questions about how to complete the updates, please contact:
If you have questions about updates, please contact: Amanda Zigan, Computer Support Specialist 406-444-3096
The OPI is committed to providing reasonable accommodations to people with disabilities. If you need a reasonable accommodation, require an alternate format, or have questions concerning accessibility, contact the OPI ADA Coordinator, 406-444-3161,, Relay Service: 711.