We are thrilled to share the upcoming math, science, and ELA lineup for OPI's 2023 Summer Institute June 19-23! Not only is attending a great way to connect with our broader community of educators across the state, but it's an incredible opportunity to learn new skills, practices, and perspectives that you can bring back to your students next fall! Summer Institute offers up to 36 credits of professional learning units and registration is free! We hope to see you there!
ELA Summer Institute Matrix of Sessions
Math Summer Institute Matrix of Sessions
Science Summer Institute Matrix of Sessions
*All sessions are subject to change dependent on speaker availability.
OPIRUPS@mt.gov is now OPIPDUPS@mt.gov
The Professional Learning Team continues to transition our language and documents from "Renewal Units" (RUs) to "Professional Development Units" (PDUs) in alignment with the new Administrative Rules of Montana Chapter 57, 10.57.216 APPROVED PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT AND RENEWAL ACTIVITY.
The former Renewal Unit Provider System (RUPS) has successfully transitioned to the Professional Development Provider System (PDUPS) and we are in the process of updating documents, webpages, and systems to reflect the change.
Notably, Renewal Unit Certificates, or RUs, have been transitioned to Professional Development Unit Certificates (PDUs). The certificates remain the same and certificates that bear the term "Renewal Units" will still be valid for educator license renewal.
Please contact the Professional Learning Team at OPIDUPS@mt.gov with any questions.
Professional Learning Portal Closed for Maintenance
The Professional Learning Portal remains closed for maintenance. During this time we are unable to add new events to the calendar and catalog, however, the existing Professional Learning Portal events can still be viewed and searched by interested participants. Please contact OPIPDUPS@mt.gov with additional questions.
Questions about Professional Learning?
Contact the Professional Development Unit Provider System Staff | OPIPDUPS@mt.gov or 406.444.3538
Teacher Learning Hub News
#1 - Mayday! Mayday! Incoming Courses!
No facilitated courses will run in May due to the busyness that the end of the school year creates for educators across the state. Facilitated courses are currently discontinued from the Hub beginning July 1st, unless we hear differently, at the direction of OPI management. We sincerely thank all of the educators who have enrolled in these great courses over the years. We also want to thank our many knowledgeable, and talented content experts who have graciously facilitated these courses over their time on the Hub. We will certainly miss all of you and the dimension that you brought to our Hub offerings! We will run our final round of facilitated courses in June and enrollment opens on May 14th for those courses listed below.
#2 - School’s Out for the Summer! (Just About!)
Ready for summer fun and less structure? Spend a few days updating your professional self with self-paced course options that don’t cramp your style or your schedule!
Check out our Hub Course List for additional learning opportunities!
#3 - Bouquets of Changes on the Hub!
The Hub is undergoing a variety of changes! We always keep you posted on the Hub homepage, so be sure to cruise through it when you jump on the Hub to take advantage of the free courses and renewal units offered there. Here are a couple of key changes coming your way, as directed by leadership, that we would like you to be aware of:
- No facilitated courses will be offered after July 1st, 2023 (June facilitated courses will continue through their completion.)
- All self-paced courses are being transitioned to non-graded only. Hopefully by July 1st! (You may notice changes as you are actually active within a course. Don’t be alarmed, and reach out to us if you have questions by using the Help button on the Hub homepage)
Helpful Hub Tips of the Month:
Personal emails are the best email for use in an old or new Hub account! You will never find yourself without access to your accomplishments should you change locations/schools. You may do this yourself by going to your profile picture on your Hub homepage and clicking ‘profile’ and then ‘edit profile’.
Hub Integration with Licensure: Please continue to save your completion certificates by downloading them. Glitches still remain in regard to the new tech integration with Licensure but we continue to work with the tech company that created the integration to get these resolved. Updates will be available on our Hub homepage as they become available (Important: Only PDUs that were achieved after the integration was in place will transfer once all is working as it should.)
Course List | Catalog | Calendar
Questions? Contact Allyson Briese or Kimberly Evans
opilearninghub@mt.gov | 406.444.3557
English Language Arts & Literacy News
ELA Standards Revision: Save The Date!
The Montana Board of Public Education has approved Superintendent Arntzen's proposed standards review timeline in which the English Language Arts and Literacy Standards will open in September of 2023. Please save the date and be prepared to lend your expertise and serve our state through the revision process. We need all hands on deck to support the revision process of the ELA and Literacy across the disciplines standards that will guide our teachers and students to succeed in the years to come!!
The OPI ELA Webpage is Your Source for Montana ELA Announcements, Opportunities, Resources, and Current Events
Keep up to date on high-quality professional learning conferences and workshops. Stay in touch with our Montana community and nationwide education partners' programs, resources, and news. Learn how to participate in exciting challenges and competitions for your students and school. Your ELA webpage is updated weekly to keep you in the loop on our ELA community’s events and opportunities.
Have an event you want to share with our Montana ELA community? Looking for resources or professional learning collaboration? Contact ELA Instructional Coordinator Stephanie Swigart for assistance!
Questions for our ELA & Literacy Instructional Coordinator?
Contact Stephanie Swigart | stephanie.swigart@mt.gov or 406.444.0736
Please visit the Montana Mathematics Standards Website for up-to-date information and announcements.
Questions for our Mathematics Instructional Coordinator?
Contact Sonja Whitford | sonja.whitford@mt.gov or 406.444.0706
The OPI Science webpage offers the following information for educators:
- Grant or paid opportunities,
- Challenges and competitions,
- Student and classroom opportunities,
- Conferences and professional development
- Connect with the STEM community!
Also available are:
- Science Fair Information across the state
- Refereed Curriculum
- Resources
- Science Content Standards
- News in the world of Science
Questions for our Science Instructional Coordinator?
Contact Michelle McCarthy | mmccarthy5@mt.gov or 406.444.3537
The OPI is committed to providing reasonable accommodations to people with disabilities. If you need a reasonable accommodation, require an alternate format, or have questions concerning accessibility, contact the OPI ADA Coordinator, 406-444-3161, opiada@mt.gov, Relay Service: 711.