(ESSER) Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief
Looking Ahead:
ESSER Grant Compliance and Grant Management:
At this time, there will be no extensions for the ESSER II or ESSER III grants. The OPI ESSER Team encourages your district to review all budget descriptions and allocated amounts in E-Grants, to determine whether any changes are needed.
The ESSER Data Collection/Annual Report Process takes place in March/April. The process will include:
- District review of previously submitted data (excel),
- District input data (excel), and
- District portal submission of excel file (google form).
April's Virtual ESSER Guidance Sessions will be Annual Federal Data Reporting Work Sessions scheduled with each district. Schools should be on the lookout for more Data Collection information coming soon.
OPI Review Process: OPI is assisting LEAs in mitigating risks to avoid audit findings by reviewing requests for funding and providing assistance with compliance. Projects/items over the threshold purchased with ESSER funds must meet Federal and State capital asset requirements and Grant allowable/reasonable guidelines. Board approval and OPI review assist in meeting these compliances. OPI Guidance is available on the ESSER Website here. Contact Wendi Fawns, ESSER Director for assistance (wendi.fawns@mt.gov)
Additional Allocations: Some allocations have been updated in E-Grants for ESSER II and III. (More information can be found here)
Schools must create an E-Grants Amendment in ESSER II and ESSER III so that the updated allocation will populate in the corresponding E-Grants budget pages.
In the amendment description, you may use this template language:
- (if the budget description already exists) BUDGET AMOUNT CHANGE ONLY – additional allocation of $xx to Object Code xx
- (if adding a new budget item) Additional Allocation of $xx to Object Code xx [for the purpose of xxxxx to prepare, prevent, respond]
To view the additional funds, scroll down to view Allocation Remaining at the bottom-right of each E-Grants budget page.
A major ESSER requirement is Meaningful Stakeholder/Community Support. If the community has a partnership and a vested interest in your district, then the ESSER funding “cliff” won’t pose a threat. When the federal funding ends, the community partnership will continue.
- Be very public with everything ESSER allows you to accomplish - show student gains/benefits.
- Publish your ESSER plan, and take progress pictures.
- Host events and give tours, so the public has a chance to come in and see your success.
- Bring in the local newspaper, radio station, or TV news station, and show them all that is being achieved.
- Partner with Booster clubs, Parent/Family Committees, Local Guilds or Unions, Mayor’s Office, Chamber of Commerce, Local Churches, Restaurants, Post Offices, Community Centers, Community Bulletin Boards, etc…
- Anywhere people gather, visually present ESSER student gains.
Always keep in mind, this is for our students. Everything you’re doing with ESSER will benefit the students and give them a better future. Make sure you’re helping your community see that as well.
(More information on Meaningful Stakeholder Input can be found here: https://youtu.be/cwvznj4l8MI)
We want your feedback! Please fill out this short Google Form to tell us what YOU want to see in our monthly Compass communication. It takes just a minute, and we appreciate your input!
Many resources are available on the OPI ESSER webpage including but not limited to:
Looking Back and viewing updates:
The thermometer image showing Montana ESSER/EANS spend down can be viewed on the OPI ESSER webpage. Let’s keep up the great work as we finish out ESSER CRRSA II and ESSER ARP III! District Monthly Status Reports view of allocated and expended funds can be found on the OPI ESSER webpage here. Thank you to the Department of Education for releasing an Updated FAQs Guidance Document which is posted on the OPI ESSER Webpage. The Broadband Modernization project information can be found here: https://opi.mt.gov/COVID-19-Information/ESSER/Broadband
OPI is committed to a system of support for school districts, students, and parents throughout Montana that provides an array of services. Individual district consultation on ESSER funding is available upon request. Please reach out to Wendi Fawns at wendi.fawns@mt.gov to schedule a time for your district.
For further information please contact:
Wendi Fawns, ESSER/EANS Director at wendi.fawns@mt.gov
Rebecca Brown, ESSER Program Manager at rebecca.brown@mt.gov
Questions? Contact:
Wendi Fawns, ESSER/EANS Director at wendi.fawns@mt.gov
Rebecca Brown, ESSER Program Manager at rebecca.brown@mt.gov
The OPI is committed to providing reasonable accommodations to people with disabilities. If you need a reasonable accommodation, require an alternate format, or have questions concerning accessibility, contact the OPI ADA Coordinator, 406-444-3161, opiada@mt.gov, Relay Service: 711.