Regions IV & V- Invitation to Apply: MTSS Grant
The MTSS District Cohort Grant for Regions 4 & 5 is now available. Click here to learn more and access the application via Word, Google, or Adobe. Only Districts in Region IV and V are eligible to apply. Applications are due Feb. 3, 2023.
Please contact Tammy Lysons, at, or 406-431-2309 if you have any questions.
CSPD: Current Professional Learning Offerings
Montana CSPD is organized through a statewide council and five regional councils. The Regional CSPDs provide high-quality professional development for preservice teachers, special education teachers, general education staff, and administrators both online and in-person.
In this live schedule, you will find all updated professional learning sessions provided by the five CSPD regions. These trainings are free of charge and offer OPI Renewal Units.
The OPI is proud to partner with the Montana Council for Exceptional Children and Montana Council of Administrators of Special Education to offer an MTSS strand at their upcoming Conference on February 22-24, 2023 in Billings, MT. Speakers for MTSS include Wednesday keynote Dr. Matt Burns with "Collaboration to Meet Unique Learning Needs," "Research Based Practices that Align with the Montana Dyslexia Law" and "MTSS Problem Solving for Tier 2: In the Middle Lies Opportunity." Thursday Keynote Hank Bohanon "Creating Supportive Learning Environments for All" followed by a workshop on "Developing Buy-In for Schoolwide Interventions in Secondary Settings" and "Adapting Multi-Tiered Systems of Support for Secondary Schools." Join Dr. Tessie Rose Bailey on Thursday to learn about "Using RIT for SLD Eligibility Determination within Schoolwide MTSS" and "Meeting IDEA Requirements through MTSS Implementation: Lessons Learned from 15 Years of Implementation." Finally, on Friday, work with two of OPI's MTSS Coaches Joe Moriarty and Keith Hoyer as they show you how to Reboot your PBIS Systems!
Mark your Calendars:
OPI Summer Institute @ MSU Bozeman June 19-23, 2023
We hope you will join us in the third week of June for the 26th annual OPI Summer Institute. This event aims to improve outcomes for all Montana students, specifically those with disabilities, through the implementation of a Multi-Tiered System of Supports Framework. Early Childhood to Secondary School Teams are invited to come to learn about best practices, innovations, Positive Behavior Intervention and Supports, MTSS, data-based decision-making, and so much more. Book your rooms in Bozeman now and we'll see you in June. Registration will open in early spring.
Montana's Tiered System of Supports
To learn more about MTSS in Montana, visit our webpage.
Our webpage includes a new video that gives a brief Overview of MTSS as well as three District Implementation Team Modules and three Building Implementation Team Modules, with more coming soon. Renewal units are available for teams who work through the modules together, as well as individuals who want to learn more.
For questions, contact Tammy Lysons, CETA Unit Manager, 406-431-2309.
The OPI is committed to providing reasonable accommodations to people with disabilities. If you need a reasonable accommodation, require an alternate format, or have questions concerning accessibility, contact the OPI ADA Coordinator, 406-444-3161,, Relay Service: 711.