March 2022 Assessment Compass Update
The March 2022 OPI Assessment Bulletin has been posted. The OPI Assessment Bulletin is specifically designed for System Test Coordinators (STCs), subscribers, and any school personnel with a responsibility to administer state assessments. It is carefully crafted each month by the OPI Assessment Unit to provide timely access to key test administration responsibilities and actionable content within each of the program checklists. Also included in each issue are references to the state and federal requirements, resources to support professional learning, testing alerts and updates, and frequently asked questions. School districts are encouraged to share the Assessment Bulletin with any school staff who must be aware of these tasks and responsibilities in order to prepare for state assessments.
NEW - ACCESS for ELLs Test Window Extended
The OPI has extended testing windows to the greatest extent practicable using a balance with reporting information to families and educators. The OPI has granted a 2-week test window extension for ACCESS for ELLs due to extenuating circumstances related to the pandemic and DRC technology disruptions.
The test window has been extended 2-weeks until March 11, 2022 [OPI Published Test Window]. To ensure a smooth and successful assessment, check that Test Administrators have completed the required training in the WIDA Secure Portal. Test Administrators must complete the relevant WIDA online training course[s] including passing the certification quiz. Certification is required every two years [see ACCESS for ELLs Online Checklist 2021-2022].
State 2021–2022 Testing Requirements
The OPI recognizes the pandemic challenges Montana schools face and continues to seek flexible approaches to administer the required state assessments.
The U.S. Department of Education has released to states guidance as “Frequently Asked Questions: Impact of COVID-19 on 2021-2022 Accountability Systems” under ESEA-ESSA. This guidance confirms the following testing, accountability, and reporting requirements for this school year:
- The participation requirement to administer state assessments is required under federal and state law.
- This school year school districts must plan on providing students the opportunity to assess when it is safe to do so.
- Schools are required to annually measure the achievement of not less than 95 percent of all students and students in each subgroup on its annual statewide assessments.
- All accountability and school identification requirements under ESEA-ESSA Section 1111 are in effect for the 2021-2022 school year.
- Data from this year’s assessments will be used within the accountability process for annual meaningful differentiation of schools.
OPI Allowed Testing Flexibilities
In addition to extending all testing windows, the OPI will continue to allow the shortened version of the Smarter Balanced assessment for Math and English language arts (ELA). There is no remote proctoring (at-home testing) service for remote learners so school districts must afford the opportunity for remote-only learners to participate in state assessments. Districts can use the sample parent letters on the OPI’s Statewide Testing Parent Corner Page.
Because of variable local conditions, intermittent school closures, and student absences due to COVID-19, the OPI is allowing medical exemptions for COVID-related reasons for the 2021-2022 school year. The COVID reason is a one-year non-participation option for school districts. The MontCAS Policies and Procedures for Participation in State Assessments includes information for districts and schools regarding how to report these COVID reasons to the OPI for non-participation. It is the OPI’s shared responsibility to ensure all children have equal access to the opportunity to participate in states assessments regardless of the learning format.
Montana Science Assessment Test Window Opens March 7
The science assessments have been operationalized this 2021-2022 school year meaning proficiency scores will be made available after the necessary validation studies.
Last year the OPI implemented an independent field test to provide educators and students with time to fully transition to the new tested grades, science standards, and to engage with new item types. The OPI recommends that students experience the online science testing format before sitting students for the live summative test event. The Practice Test is now available through the Montana Testing Portal and practice tests can be administered to students to become familiar with the item types, format, and functionality of the online test. Educators can also deploy the new Science Interims and select interims from one of three categories: Testlets by DCI, Single-Item PE, and Braille items.
Turn on Student Test Settings at the Local Level
Schools must administer statewide assessments with or without accommodations based on individual student needs consistent with all state and federal laws and regulations (ARM 10.56.104).
Each school must support their students with accessibility tools per the student’s educational plan. Verify all student information and test settings are correct in the Montana Testing Portal. All test settings must be enabled in TIDE prior to a student entering the test in order for them to be available. Accommodations are NOT transferred from the state AIM/Infinite Campus into the Test Information and Distribution Engine (TIDE). If the local district does not turn on individual student accommodations, then the student will not have accommodations available on the assessment(s). All accommodations require an IEP or Section 504 plan. This flag must be set for a student before an accommodation can be updated in TIDE. Click here to review the Usability, Accessibility, and Accommodations Guide.
Stay Informed with Testing Alerts
The OPI Assessment Unit will continue to share information to the field via its Monthly Assessment Bulletin Newsletter, Monthly Webinar, and other communication means. For more information on state assessment, visit the following resources:
Direct questions to the OPI Assessment Help Desk at, or 1-844-867-2569.
The OPI is committed to providing reasonable accommodations to people with disabilities. If you need a reasonable accommodation, require an alternate format, or have questions concerning accessibility, contact the OPI ADA Coordinator, 406-444-3161,, Relay Service: 711.