The PSAs for 2023 All Together Now are available for libraries to share and use! There is an English and Spanish version - you can find them on YouTube, or you can download the files directly from the CSLP website, using the Manual Download Code.
It is time for CSLP libraries to start brainstorming ideas for the 2026 Slogan! The theme for 2026 is "Dinosaurs", and CSLP is looking for member library input on the current slogan suggestions. If you are interested in providing input, please join one of the following Zoom listening sessions:
- Thursday, 4/27. 11 am - 12 pm Mountain Time (Zoom Link)
- Thursday, 5/4, 9 - 10 am Mountain Time (Zoom Link)
Session Description: We encourage State Reps and all members that have an interest in wordsmithing to join the call to discuss your favorites slogan suggestions. During and after the sessions we will have resources available for you to share your input through discussion, chat or using a Google doc. This session will inform the final list to be submitted for copyright vetting.
Current List of Slogan Suggestions
- Big and Small Adventures for All
- Dig and Discover at Your Library
- Dig into a Good Book
- Dig into a Great Read
- Dig into Reading
- Dig up a Story
- Explore prehiSTORY
- Explore with a Roar!
- Libraries are not Extinct
- Reading is not Extinct
- Go Prehistoric @ Your Library
- Jurassic Stories
- Make Tracks to the Library
- Read and Roar with Dinosaurs
- Read, Explore, Roar!
- Read, Roar, and Soar
- Reading Never Goes Extinct
- Romp, Stomp, Read
- Stomp! Chomp! Read!
- Unearth Your Story
Next Steps
After the April and May listening sessions, there will be another listening session in August to review the vetted/translated 2026 slogans, as well as discuss 2027 Themes, before they are voted on by State Reps at the Annual Meeting.
Are you interested in improving your technology skills and learning more about Microsoft Word? If so, please consider signing up for the Spring 2023 Intro to Microsoft Word Cohort! This learning cohort is for any Montana librarian who is interested in learning how to use Microsoft Word through the Universal Class course: Introduction to Microsoft Word 2021.
The course opens on May 1, 2023 and closes on June 22, 2023. We will kick-off with a Zoom meeting on Thursday, April 27th at 2:00 p.m.
We will wrap up the cohort with a Zoom meeting on Thursday, June 22 at 1:30 p.m.
You can enroll in this class by visiting MSL Learn and enrolling yourself in the Spring 2023 Intro to Microsoft Word Tech Cohort class. Please note that besides the Zoom kick-off and wrap-up meetings, this cohort is entirely self-paced.
Anyone who is interested is welcome to attend the kick-off on 4/27 to learn more about the format, as well as reach out to Amelea Kim at with questions.
Food Programming in Libraries: An Introduction - Webinar on May 22nd, from 1 - 3 pm
Are you interested in learning more about food programming in libraries? If so, please join us for a Food Programming in Libraries: An Introduction webinar with Food Literacy and Library Programming Consultant, Rebecca Antill to learn about the variety of ways that you can incorporate food literacy and knowledge in your library programming. Webinar participants will:
- Learn about why food literacy is important, and how it is impacting communities
- Discuss safety aspects to consider when planning food programming
- Explore kitchen management and labor division with programs
- Observe different programming formats and cooking ideas
- Learn about potential partnership organizations and opportunities
At the end of this webinar, MSL is looking for 2 - 5 libraries who are interested in developing food programming at their library, and will provide an opportunity to work more closely with Rebecca after summer 2023. If you have any interest in this topic, please attend!
Presenter Bio: Rebecca Antill has been providing food based programs for libraries and other community organizations for over twenty years, and helped create the statewide food literacy initiative SC Read Eat Grow while working as the Youth Services Consultant for the South Carolina State Library. In 2021 Rebecca enrolled in the Culinary Institute of Charleston to refine her knowledge of cooking and nutrition. Rebecca works for a community supported grocery that keeps almost one million dollars within the local economy each year, and volunteers as a chef instructor for the local food bank. Partnership building and resilient communities are some of the things Rebecca most loves to talk about, along with how to perfectly prepare a lemon yogurt scone.
As part of the Ready 2 Read early literacy initiative, MSL has an early literacy tip texting service that anyone can sign up for! It's particularly great for families and caregivers with young children, and it will send early literacy tips directly to a subscriber's cell phone 3 times a week for 8 months. These tips are fun, simple, and easy, and can be seamlessly incorporated into everyday life. We encourage families, parents, caregivers, grandparents, aunts/uncles, anyone with young children in their lives to sign up!
Signing up for the program is FREE and EASY. Text the word "SIGNUP" to 406-204-3583. Even if you have received the tips before, you can sign up again using the same number, and the tips will start over.
Please help share this program with your patrons! We have over 900 subscribers, and we'd love to see this usage increased. To help with outreach, I've created a Social Media Outreach Template that you can use in Canva. You will need to create a Canva account to access this, but Canva is free and also incredibly useful for publicity and outreach material design in general.
Here is a suggested caption you can use when you post these images:
Check out our #earlyliteracytip for the day! You can always help your child learn, wherever you are. This tip is from Ready 2 Read Texting program - you can sign up and get 3 fun, easy tips a week for 8 months to use with your young children! Sign up by texting "SIGNUP" to 406-204-3583. You can also get more early literacy information from our website, or by contacting your local public library.#ready2readmt #montanalibrary #r2rtexting