Blackfeet Indian Reservation: Public Presentations

Please Join Sen. Susan A Webber for the following virtual presentations:


Blackfeet Indian Reservation


Altering the County Boundaries

February 15, 2022 at 6:30 PM

The Blackfeet Indian Reservation is split between two counties, Glacier and Pondera. Since the beginning, generations of Blackfeet have been wanting to unite the reservation into one county. This presentation will provide a history of how Glacier and Pondera Counties were developed and how they can be altered to make the dream of one reservation a reality.

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Password: 076116
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Meeting ID: 878 2401 9429
Password: 076116

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Incorporation of the City of Browning

February 16, 2022 at 6:30 PM

This presentation will start with a history of the Town of Browning, the need for a city government, and then how the community citizens can charter the city.

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Meeting ID: 871 5141 2935
Password: 965375
Dial by Telephone
+1 646 558 8656 or +1 406 444 9999
Meeting ID: 871 5141 2935
Password: 965375

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