Montana EMSC is sponsoring six (6) regional PEARS and PALS Courses in Fall 2024/Spring 2025
The AHA’s PEARS (Pediatric Emergency Assessment, Recognition, and Stabilization) Course uses a systematic approach to quickly assess, recognize the cause, and stabilize a pediatric patient in an emergency. PEARS is for healthcare providers who infrequently see critically ill infants and children.
PALS (Pediatric Advanced Life Support) is geared toward healthcare providers who respond to emergencies in infants and children and for personnel in emergency response, emergency medicine, intensive care, and critical care units.
The six course regions are:
- Glasgow
- Billings
- Lewistown
- Great Falls
- Kalispell
- Butte
The EMSC program will purchase the AHA provider course completion cards and the 10-1052 PEARS Provider Manual for students.
If you are a healthcare provider in any of the six regions listed, please reach out to Jason Mahoney, Pediatric Liaison @ for course dates and registration information.
Education and Training
Updated Interfacility Transfer Guide released
The EMSC Program, alongside the ENA (Emergency Nurses Association) and Society of Trauma Nurses has released an updated Pediatric Interfacility Transfer Guide to help ED clinicians plan, prepare, and execute transfers for pediatric patients. Learn more at
Second PECC learning module launched
The presence of pediatric emergency care coordinators (PECCs) in EDs significantly increases pediatric readiness scores and is considered the most effective strategy for improving pediatric emergency care. PECCs work to help EDs follow national guidelines on pediatric care, with responsibilities ranging from managing pediatric equipment and supplies to leading quality improvement initiatives.
National guidelines recommend every ED have one nurse and one physician PECC. To assist ED clinicians in taking on the PECC role, the EMSC Program is creating a learning module series. The second module, “The Role of the Pediatric Emergency Care Coordinator and Pediatric Readiness,” is now available. This module, along with the first, can be found here [] along with additional resources for ED and prehospital PECCs. The modules take an estimated 20 minutes to complete (13 for module 1 and 7 for module 2), and completion certificates are available.
Research shows that preteen suicide rates have been increasing by 8% annually since 2008. EMSC offers resources to support ED and EMS providers in this critical area. One such resource is the PEAK: Suicidality learning module. For more information, visit the module.
Upcoming Montana Child Passenger Safety Certification Courses
September 17-20, 2024
Public CPST Cert Course: Missoula Lead Instructor: Tracie Kiesel or 406-439-0085
October 1-4, 2024
Public CPST Cert Course: Kalispell Lead Instructor: Wendy Hansen or 406-751-8106
Questions? Tracie Kiesel-Montana CPS Training Coordinator and Contact: (406) 439-0085,
Common Pediatric Drowning Risks and Scenarios
Drowning is the leading cause of death in children ages 1 to 4 years and a common cause of death in toddlers and adolescents. New data released in May 2024 point to an urgent need for greater prevention: among 1- to 4-year-olds, drowning deaths have increased 28% over the past 4 years.
In this expert interview, American Academy of Pediatrics President, Benjamin Hoffman, MD, FAAP, shares tips for prehospital providers related to pediatric drowning. Dr. Hoffman addresses pediatric drowning trends, evidence-based prevention, and ways prehospital providers should prepare to respond to pediatric drowning calls.
View the interview and accompanying blog here.
2023 Youth Risk Behavior Survey
The Montana Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS), located here, assists educators and health professionals in determining the prevalence of health-risk behaviors as self-reported by Montana youth. Initiated by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in 1988, the YRBS aims to identify the leading causes of mortality, morbidity, and social problems among youth.
The 2023 Montana YRBS was completed by 4,467 students in 50 public high schools during the spring of 2023. The school response rate was 100%, the student response rate was 85%, and the overall response rate was 85%. The results represent all students in grades 9-12 in Montana.
Upcoming Meetings & Conferences
September 3, 2024, EMSC Quarterly Advisory Committee Meeting
Featured Presenter:
Dr. Beth Dominicis, DC, & Kris Minard Tobacco Use Prevention Education Specialist, Montana Office of Public Instruction-Montana Teens, and Vaping
Montana Trauma Systems Conference and EMS Managers Workshop-Pediatric Readiness Speaker
September 11, 2024
Hilton Garden Inn-Missoula, MT
Dr. Liz Sanseau, MD, MS, FAAP, DTM&H
Dr. Sanseau, is the Principal Investigator of the EMSC Indian Health Services Hybrid Simulation Program, an HRSA-sponsored initiative intended to optimize pediatric emergency readiness in Emergency Departments and prehospital teams treating ill and injured American Indian and Alaska Native patients. She Co-Chairs the ImPACTS (Improving Pediatric Acute Care Through Simulation) collaborative and Co-Leads the Emergency SimBox- a free and openly accessible web-based simulation resource. She has published and presented her work on simulation-based medical education.
For more information regarding the Montana Trauma Systems conference, contact Alyssa Johnson at For information regarding the EMS Managers Workshop, contact Shari Graham at
Registration Open: 5th Annual Children's Hospital Colorado Virtual Pediatric Care Symposium
October 23rd, 2024
No registration fees.
CE Credit: CME, NCPD & EMS
See Children's Hospital Colorado website for the agenda and more details. Virtual-only conference via Zoom
Register Here
In the News
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Learn more about the incredible story of Heather Martin, EMT, Wyoming EMSC FAN, and president and founder of Cody’s Puzzle Piece Foundation, Inc. today:
12-year-old girl receives honorary EMT certificate
Cascade County Disaster & Emergency Services (DES) planned a special day for Abby including a formal honorary EMT certificate.