Conservation & Partnerships
 RSA Is Hiring!
Available positions include Conservation Director, Fiscal Manager, Education Program Manager use the link below to apply today!
 Exploring the Boundaries of Virtual Fence
Did you miss the webinar on August 15?
No worries! Click the button below to watch and learn more about the basics of virtual fence (VF) technology, including an overview of the components, potential applications, and compare the current and emerging VF vendors. We hope this webinar will empower you to effectively evaluate VF for sustainable rangeland management.
 Annual Convention Internship Program
The MSGA Annual Convention Internship Program was created to provide students with a hands-on experience of the various facets of association event planning and execution, policy development, social media engagement and coverage.
Applicants will be accepted until September 15, 2024. The internship will take place December 2 – 7, 2024.
Positions Available:
- Policy Intern
- Communications & Media Relations Intern
- General Production Intern

Are You Staying Up-to-Date on the Latest Research and Strategies for Invasive Species Management?
 Provide Montana's farmers and ranchers with resources, trainings, and support to increase workplace safety within Montana's agriculture industry.
 Submit Comments on Grouse Stewardship Grant Draft Environmental Assessments
The Montana Sage Grouse Habitat Conservation Program is soliciting public comment on proposed uses of the Montana Sage Grouse Habitat Stewardship Fund to benefit sage grouse and conserve important sage grouse habitats. MSGOT requests public comment on a draft environmental assessment for two perpetual conservation easement projects sponsored by Montana Land Reliance.
Agency Updates
Funding Available Now!
Multiple Grant Opportunities
DNRC administers a wide range of grants and loans for Montana, assisting cities and towns, conservation districts, private landowners, and other groups in managing natural resource issues at the local level.
 NRCS Sets Conservation Program Funding Application Dates
The USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) in Montana is accepting applications for the Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP), Conservation Stewardship Program (CSP), Regional Conservation Partnership Program (RCPP), Wetland Reserve Easements (WRE), and Agricultural Land Easements (ALE). There are several dates to be aware of for the current funding cycle of these programs. • ALE Inflation Reduction Act: Oct. 4, 2024 • EQIP: Oct. 25, 2024 • RCPP Land Management and Rentals: Oct. 11, 2024 • RCPP Entity Held Easements: Nov. 1, 2024 • ALE Farm Bill: Nov. 29, 2024 • WRE Farm Bill: Nov. 1, 2024 • CSP Classic: Dec. 27, 2024
EQIP Customer Survey Deadline is 9/10/24
Have you participated in our Environmental Quality Incentive Program (EQIP) in the last three years? If so, we want to hear from you!
To continually improve our flagship conservation program, we're asking our EQIP customers to participate in a survey. (Note that if you've already completed the survey, please do not submit a second response.) It's open right now through September 10, 2024.
 Celebrate Ag is growing in 2024!
The MSU College of Agriculture, Montana Agricultural Experiment Station and MSU Extension are excited to announce a reimagined Celebrate Ag experience for 2024! This event stands as a vibrant tribute to the rich legacy of agriculture, natural resources and life sciences in Montana. This gathering serves as a platform to honor the state's agricultural heritage that encompasses allied industries while celebrating its present and future leaders, producers and students. Taking place on the Montana State University campus in Bozeman, Celebrate Ag embodies the essence of resilience, innovation and stewardship that define the Treasure State's agricultural community.
 FWP announces public comment opportunities
Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks is seeking public comment on environmental assessments (EAs), conservation leases and other department projects. For the full list of proposals, more information, including how to submit comments, click on the link below.
Hunter Education courses offered in NW Montana
Hunter Education classes and a Trapper Education field day are open to registration in northwest Montana this fall. All in-person classes are free. Students must be at least 10 years old to take a Hunter Education class.
Additional classes in other regional communities could become available but no later than October.
Students ages 12 through 17 who take Hunter or Bowhunter Education online will also be required to pass an in-person field day. A field day for online students in the Flathead Valley will be scheduled later this fall.

Pesticide Container Recycling Program
Container Eligibility Requirements
Product containers that can be accepted for recycling through the Ag Container Recycling Council (ACRC) sponsored programs must meet these criteria:
Rigid high-density polyethylene (HDPE), 55 gallons and smaller, that previously held products utilized in the following markets:
Crop Protection – Containers that held EPA registered crop protection products labeled for agricultural uses. Containers that previously held non-registered products such as biologicals, adjuvants, crop oils and surfactants are also eligible for recycling.
Specialty Pesticides and Fertilizers – Containers that held EPA – registered products labeled for professional Structural Pest Control, Animal Health, Turf and Ornamental, Vegetation Management, Nursery and Greenhouse, Forestry, Aquatics, and Public Health uses are eligible for recycling. Also acceptable are containers holding micronutrients, biologicals, fertilizer, and adjuvant products.
Pest Control Operators, Structural Pest Control – Containers that held EPA registered products labeled for professional application.
Any container constructed of anything other than HDPE, rotationally molded containers, mini-bulk, intermediate bulk containers (IBC), totes, and all containers that previously held products utilized in the following markets:
Consumer Home & Garden, Pest Control and Swimming Pool Maintenance – Containers that previously held products labeled for consumer use in households, lawn and garden, and swimming pool uses are not eligible for recycling in the ACRC program.
MDA Pesticide Training Newsletter August 2024
Checkout the August issue of MDA's Pesticide Training newsletter! In the issue you will find details about: Expiring License Categories, MSU 2024 Fall Pesticide Tour, MDA 2024 Fall Pesticide Recertification Trainings, DEQ Pesticide General Permit, Plant Identification – Using Smartphone Apps, MDA Pesticide Container Recycling 2024 Calendar, MDA Pesticide Waste Disposal Program, EDDR Roundup, Fall Webinar Opportunity and more!
 USDA Accepts More Than 2.2 Million Acres Through 2024 Grassland, General and Continuous Conservation Reserve Program Offers
The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) is accepting offers for more than 2.2 million acres from agricultural producers and private landowners through this year’s Grassland, General, and Continuous Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) signups administered by USDA’s Farm Service Agency (FSA). With these accepted acres, enrollment is very near the 27 million CRP acreage cap.
USDA Offers Free September 5 Webinar on Depreciation and Ag Taxes
Join USDA for a webinar discussing the impact of depreciation on taxes for farm and ranch businesses. The investment in machinery and equipment, buildings, and breeding livestock required by agricultural producers can be significant and this presentation will discuss how depreciation in value of investments can affect your taxes.
Event: Ag Taxes: An Introduction to Depreciation
Date: Thursday, September 5, 2024
Time: 12 p.m. ET
USDA Seeks Applications to Create and Save Jobs in Rural Areas
The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) is accepting applications for funding that will help rural businesses create and save jobs in their communities. Applicants may use funds to support business startup, expansion and incubators; technical assistance and feasibility studies; essential community facilities; and advanced telecommunications services and computer networks for medical, educational and job training opportunities.
Podcast Corner
Research Center
To make the 406 Rangelands newsletter more reader friendly, the "Research Center" section has been permanently moved to the Rangeland Resources Program website. You can access it here.