MUSE is Almost Here!
We are less than one month away from going live with the Montana Unemployment Services Environment (MUSE) system. The MUSE team kicked off its third iteration of End-to-End testing, which tests a full production cycle of the system. The project will also be testing Application Security roles this month to ensure staff from all units have the appropriate access needed to perform their daily tasks in MUSE.
In addition to starting a new pass of End-to-End testing, all users will have scheduled practice sessions also referred to as “sandbox”. These sessions provide staff designated times to become more familiar with MUSE by working on job-specific tasks and navigating the system. Later this month, staff will be trained on more user tools that will help them in MUSE.
Communications Update
The MUSE team will be supporting external communications initiatives in the final month before go-live to ensure Montana stakeholders are prepared for the transition to MUSE. Below are some of the upcoming outreach initiatives:
ABC Clinics
The third and final wave of ABC Clinics will take place for Employers in Helena, Bozeman, Billings, Butte, and Kalispell. Representatives from UID will present a high-level look at the MUSE implementation and employer impacts.
Employer Webinars
The UID Contributions team will hold employer and TPA webinars between September 12th – 21st. During these webinars, attendees will get a first look at the new Employer eServices and learn about any impacts they should be aware of.
Claimant and Employer Notifications
In the weeks leading up to go live, the MUSE team will send out Claimant Center and Employer eServices access instructions as well as video tutorials to claimants and employers. There will also be banners on the existing websites to inform claimants and employers of the new system.
Workforce Services Training
Workforce Services staff will be invited to attend live MUSE Claimant Center demonstrations which will inform WSD staff on the new layout of the Claimant Center and will demonstrate the key actions that claimants will be performing in the new system.
MUSE Spotlight – Kristi Jensen DLI Business Analyst & MUSE Subject Matter Expert
“What is most exciting to me with the rollout of MUSE is that all staff involved with UI will see great improvements. Claimants will have electronic fact finding and messaging, easier to understand letters, and claims that are processed quicker. Employers will have electronic fact finding, overall improvement in eServices for Employers, and faster processing on charge protests. UI will have better workflow design, electronic communication, and many other tools to make your work easier and more efficient. Analysts will have better tools to analyze and work with reports and have a better system with less problems. Benefits will see improved timeliness, quality, and integrity.”
What’s New with MUSE?
MUSE will incorporate OKTA authentication for the Claimant Center and Employer eServices. All claimants and employers will be required to authenticate their accounts with OKTA the first time they access online, providing an extra layer of security for the new system. Staff will be trained on troubleshooting with claimants and employers online with the MUSE Support Search tool this month.
Web Messaging
Web messaging allows staff to send and receive messages for claimants and employers. Internally, staff can send requests to external users from within MUSE. This provides a quick and easy way to send additional fact finding, for example, rather than a letter. This feature also provides an easy way to attach documents and improves overall transparency.
SMS Text Messages
Claimants can now opt-in to receive reminders about fact finding via SMS messages. Anytime a new issue is created in the system, MUSE can notify the claimant via SMS for fact finding reminders. Claimants will be automatically notified the day they receive fact finding, which will help facilitate more timely responses. Claimants can also update their SMS preferences online.