Circuit Clerk & Election Commission Visits
 With Election Day wrapped up, I hit the road once again to resume my visits with circuit clerks and elections commissioners around Mississippi. These meetings are an integral part of ensuring we have free and fair elections. Through collaboration with our county officials, we have had productive, open dialogue to ensure local elections officers have the help and assistance they need from the Secretary of State's Office.
I am pleased to announce we have now visited with circuit clerks and commissioners in 41 of Mississippi's 82 counties during my first two years in office, despite complications due to COVID-19 and the 2020 Presidential Election. I look forward to visiting the rest of our clerks and commissioners in the remaining counties over the next two years.
Tackle the Tape
Since launching our Tackle the Tape (TTT) initiative in July of 2020, we have seen tremendous success in state regulation reform. To date, we have assisted in reducing 57 regulations that in some way diminish the state's regulatory burden. Additionally, we have aided numerous business owners (in-state and out-of-state) and everyday Mississippians. In fact, Mississippi led the nation with the greatest number of new business applications since COVID-19 began, with a 111.94 percent increase from 2019.
With the overwhelming response to TTT, we have decided to take our efforts a step further. In January, I will be announcing a new strategic plan to increase the efficiency of the regulatory review process. Stay tuned!
Promote the Vote
I recently enjoyed a trip to Carthage Christian Academy as part of the Promote the Vote K-12 voter education program hosted by our External Affairs Division.
To educate our youngest generation of Mississippians on the importance of elections and voting has been, and always will be, one of my most important roles. I relish their enthusiasm and excitement for democracy and will continue to work to protect their freedoms.
I always appreciate the opportunity and rarely turn down an invitation to meet with our local Rotary Clubs. This organization is the backbone of our communities and truly makes a difference in the lives of Mississippians. It's also crucial to remind our local leaders that we elected officials should be held accountable. Thank you to my fellow Rotarians for allowing me to visit!
Canton Election Results
Since taking office as your Secretary of State, I have consistently stated that when Mississippi elections law is not followed, we will intervene and ensure people are held accountable. Through a recent judge's ruling, we have seen just that. Likewise, I am appreciative of those who join our efforts to assure Mississippians we will safeguard elections.
To learn more about this ruling, click here.
Check Your Charity
With the Giving Season upon us, I encourage all Mississippians to take a moment and Check Your Charity before donating. Our Charities Division, which is responsible for the registration and regulation of all charitable organizations and fundraisers who solicit money in Mississippi, provides a free online portal where you can review any registered charity prior to donating. To Check Your Charity, visit our Charities Division webpage or click here.