Land Conservation
 As the trustee of Public Trust Tidelands and state-owned properties, it's critical for me, along with my team, to understand influences that may affect our natural resources both along the Coast and across the state. The Nature Conservancies of Mississippi and Louisiana recently organized a trip for my office to learn more about the Mid-Basin Sediment Diversion Program at the Louisiana State University Center for River Studies.
During the visit, we observed the land-building power of the Mississippi River at the Caernarvon Diversion, and the US Army Corps of Engineers gave an operational briefing and tour of the Bonnet Carre Spillway. This visit is one of the first steps in creating partnerships that will help us craft a statewide conservation plan that works for Mississippi and our neighboring states. The information gathered will be vital in protecting our coastal resources for future generations of Mississippians.
Good Scout Award
I was honored to receive this year's Good Scout Award during the Jackson County Friends of Scouting's Good Scout Luncheon in Pascagoula. Each year, the organization presents the award to an individual they feel exemplifies good citizenship. While I was proud to accept this accolade, the real credit goes to my parents for raising me in a Christian environment and for teaching me the values of being a good and productive citizen. I’m thankful the for all of the community Scout leaders who so selflessly work with young Mississippians to teach them the same values. To all Mississippi Scouts, keep up the great work!
*Pictured: Lucia Barberena of Ocean Springs, the first female in Mississippi to earn Eagle Scout status.
Cookies & Milk with SOS New Hires
Our SOS family is steadily growing, but no matter the size of our agency, it's still important for me to establish and foster relationships with all employees. This week, I had the chance to meet and mingle with our newest team members while sharing my favorite snack: cookies and milk! We shared stories about our hometowns and hobbies, engaged in a friendly debate about whose alma mater was the best, and discussed the overall goals for our office.
I'm excited to welcome these unique individuals to our team: Laura Lee Allen, Anna Carollo, Ashli Coggins, Stephanie Lewis, Steven Linick, David Potvin, Preston Thomas, John Wilson, and Samuel Wilson. Please do not hesitate to reach out if you need anything!
National Day of Prayer
I loved having the opportunity to participate in the 2021 National Day of Prayer observance at the Mississippi Coliseum. It was a beautiful time of reflection, prayer, and worship. May we all continue to shine a hopeful and encouraging light on our great state!