Secretary Michael Watson Update

Michael Watson - Secretary of State

Friday, October 23, 2020


Tackle the Tape Website Now Available

Earlier this week, I had the honor of sharing the details of our Tackle the Tape initiative during a White House call celebrating the 1-Year Anniversary of the Governors' Initiative on Regulatory Innovation. President Trump has done an excellent job cutting the regulatory burden across America, and I'm excited to join his efforts by tackling burdensome and unnecessary regulations for Mississippi small businesses.

Currently, per capita, Mississippi is the most regulated state in the Southeast. Our Tackle the Tape initiative sets out to cut regulations that are anti-competitive and do not substantially further the safety and well-being of our citizens. We look forward to working closely with the Occupational Licensing Review Commission, as well as small businesses and industry leaders across the state to help "rid the red" tape in Mississippi.

Click here to learn more about "Tackle the Tape" initiative. 


Election Check-In 

With absentee voting in full swing and Election Day right around the corner, it is imperative that voters remain up-to-date with trusted election information. If you have not done so already, please review our Election Check-In videos on Facebook and Twitter. Each video highlights key information or deadlines relative to the 2020 General Election. Our most recent Election Check-In video provides an update on absentee voting. 

Click here to watch the most recent Election Check-In video.


ICE Meeting

On Thursday, our office hosted agents and administrators from Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), sheriffs, and deputies from around the state. During the meeting, ICE representatives explained the federal 287(g) program and offered to partner with local law enforcement agencies. The proposed partnership would give local law enforcement agents access to federal technology and databases that help identify illegal immigrants in their custody. When an illegal alien is identified, ICE agents may detain and further investigate the individual, often leading to deportation.

Border security and immigration enforcement have been keen interests of mine since the early days of my tenure in the Senate. I'm excited to continue working on securing our nation's border, and I look forward to helping foster closer cooperation between ICE and our local law enforcement agencies. Thank you to all of our law enforcement friends for keeping Mississippi safe!


AARP Virtual Voter Engagement

Our office continues to work closely with local county officials and state agencies to ensure voting in person on Election Day is as safe as possible. I was thrilled to share our safety guidelines during AARP Mississippi's Voter Engagement Tele-Town Hall. We discussed voting options, recent election changes, and an overview of what voters can expect to see at the polls on Election Day. Thank you again to everyone who participated in the event!

Click here to read more about COVID-19 safety at the polls.

Recent News


WLOX (video): Secretary of State Michael Watson looks ahead to Election Day

"The FBI announced Wednesday night that Iran and Russia are trying to influence the presidential election, and have obtained some Americans' voter registration data. Mississippi Secretary of State Michael Watson provides an update on election security in our state."

Click here to watch the interview. 


WTOK: Mississippi Secretary of State details voting options

"Coronavirus cases are still on the rise in Mississippi, and election officials are taking steps to protect voters at the polls. According to state officials, absentee ballot requests for 2020 are soaring past the number of ballots requested in 2016."

Click here to read the full story. 

Staff Spotlight


Alex Bucklew

Hometown: Louisville, MS

Alex Bucklew joined our office in January and serves as one of our policy analysts. He is extremely intelligent and always provides a thought-provoking angle to every discussion. His attention to detail is unmatched and I look forward to watching him grow within the agency. Keep up the great work, Alex!