Minneapolis Police Chief Brian O’Hara Addresses the Jamal Mitchell Line of Duty Death

Minneapolis Police Department

Public Information Release

Minneapolis Police Chief Brian O’Hara Addresses the Jamal Mitchell Line of Duty Death

May 31, 2024 (Minneapolis): On Friday, May 31, 2024, while standing outside of the 5th Precinct with many MPD Officers at 12:30 a.m., Chief Brian Ohara provided a statement.

 “There are not words to appropriately describe this tragedy.   It’s the worst call a police chief can receive - one of your our killed in the line of duty. 

Like everyone, every police officer has a story; every officer has hopes and dreams. Sadly, Officer Jamal Mitchell’s hopes and dreams ended with his life on Thursday.

Jamal was just 36 years old, a father, son, fiancée, friend, and a member of the MPD since 2022.

I am angry and deeply hurt by such a senseless and violent attack on Minneapolis’ Finest. 

I knew Jamal.  I had the distinct honor of swearing in Jamal as a Minneapolis police officer.  Shortly after hitting the street, I commended and honored him for running into a burning house in the 5th Precinct to rescue an elderly couple.  He loved the job, he loved the MPD, and he was faithful to the oath her swore unto his death. 

Jamal was engaged to be married.  Jamal died a hero, and like police officers in Minneapolis standing behind me here and everywhere, he was one of the few who have the courage to stand up and answer the call every single day.  He died doing what we asked him to do for the rest of us. 

Jamal died doing what society asks all police officers to do.  He did his job, and he was loyal to his oath until his death.  There is no more honorable service one can provide.

Investigators are working hard to determine the exact circumstances of how he was killed. We know he answered the call of a double shooting in the Whittier neighborhood. While rendering aid to an injured male, the injured male pulled a gun and assassinated Officer Mitchel and continued to shoot him after he fell to the ground.  Arriving officers transported Officer Mitchel to Hennepin Healthcare where he later died.

Responding officers exchanged gunfire with that gunman.

A second MPD officer was injured and was treated and released from the hospital.

One civilian was also killed, and two others were injured in this incident. The suspect is also deceased.

More details will emerge in the coming days and weeks, but I am asking residents of Minneapolis and Minnesota to keep Jamal’s friends and loved ones in your thoughts and prayers. He had a fiancé with big plans - and a full life ahead. 

As tragic as this is, I know we are not alone in Minneapolis. We know that attacks on police officers are on the rise across our country, and Jamal just happened to be the latest victim of this senseless and troubling trend.  It’s become too easy and to attack our police, and it needs to stop.

This profession is different.   As police officers, we know dying in the line of duty is always a possibility but the harsh reality hurts very deeply when it happens.

Today is a very sad day for the Minneapolis Police Department and I ask that you remember the dangers police officers are willing to face and the price they sometimes have to pay.

Most importantly, I ask that you keep Minneapolis Police Officer Jamal Mitchell and his family in your prayers”.   


5-31-2024 MR24-146842 Minneapolis Police Chief Brian O’Hara Addresses the Jamal Mitchell Line of Duty Death.pdf

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