Ward 1 City Council Updates - May 6th, 2024

Council Member Elliott Payne

Ward 1 News from Council President Elliott Payne

May 6th, 2024

A message from Council President Elliott Payne

Hello neighbors, 

I wanted to send you all the latest news that leaders of the Minnesota Senate, House, and our Minneapolis City Council have come to an agreement on a minimum wage and labor protections for rideshare drivers statewide. I'm proud of our Council for leading the way and grateful for the collaboration that took place with our partners at the State. You can read more in the full release below.



Rideshare Legislation Authors Announce Compromise

St. Paul, Minn. – Today,  chief authors in the House, Senate, and Minneapolis City Council announce a major development in negotiations to set a minimum wage and labor protections for rideshare drivers in Minnesota. The new agreement reached by authors at the state and city level would set a statewide minimum wage rate of $1.27 per mile and $0.49 per minute, as reflected in an amendment that was made public today and will be introduced in the House Labor and Industry Finance and Policy Committee on Tuesday.


“We are happy to come to a compromise agreement with the Minneapolis City Council on a minimum compensation standard that aligns with other major metropolitan areas,” said House Majority Leader Jamie Long (DFL-Minneapolis). “This compromise represents significant movement from the Minneapolis City Council as we all work towards ensuring drivers in our state are fairly paid.”  


“This agreement is the result of hard work from the authors and stakeholders to ensure every Minnesota community has access to safe, reliable transportation,” said Senate Majority Leader Erin Murphy (DFL-St. Paul). “I join the authors in their commitment to passing the best bill for drivers and their passengers this session.”


“It was refreshing to work with our state leaders who were willing to engage in tough conversations without compromising the core DFL value of making sure every worker, regardless of profession, can earn a minimum wage,” said Minneapolis City Council President Elliott Payne. “I’m thrilled that this collaboration between leadership of the Senate, House, and City Council, along with the policy’s authors, has led to this huge win for ride-share drivers across Minnesota.”


“I am honored to be carrying this legislation and am excited to be working closely with all stakeholders so that drivers are treated with respect and paid fairly,” said Representative Hodan Hassan (DFL-Minneapolis). “This agreement is a win for drivers and all Minnesotans looking for consistent and reliable rideshare services.”


“This legislation will make Minnesota a national leader on the issue of rideshare wages and worker rights,” said Senator Omar Fateh (DFL-Minneapolis). “I am proud of this effort to improve the lives of thousands of drivers and their families and protect Minnesotans’ access to reliable, safe, affordable transportation for passengers.”


“I am proud that the Minneapolis City Council took bold action this spring to pass the minimum wage equivalent that rideshare drivers have long deserved, and have been denied by Uber and Lyft,” said Minneapolis City Councilmember Robin Wonsley. “It is because of those actions and drivers' powerful organizing that city and state leaders have been able to reach this historic agreement to give 10,000 drivers a living wage.”


“These wages will provide both the drivers and rideshare companies with the stability they need to continue to operate,” said Senator Jim Abeler (R-Anoka), a coauthor of the rideshare legislation

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