Ward 8 Update: Friday, March 13th, 2020

CM Andrea Jenkins



Office Hours: Monday 9-11 a.m.

Sabathani Community Center, 310 E. 38th St.

An update on the City's Coronavirus (COVID-19) response

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Dear Neighbors,

As we all well know there is a world pandemic caused by the novel coronavirus or COVID 19. This has led to the President declaring a National State of Emergency as well as Governor Walz declaring a peace-time State of Emergency. We recognize these are very trying and difficult times for everyone. I am deeply saddened and my prayers go out to those who have lost their lives to this virus as well as those who are currently ill. Please know that the City of Minneapolis is keeping residents and our employees’ health and well being at the center of our actions. We are in constant communication with federal, state and county jurisdictions and are ready to act accordingly to this rapidly evolving situation.

Please use your best judgement when going out. Remember to wash your hands frequently, avoid large gatherings, check on your elderly neighbors and family members. I encourage you to not hoard essential items like antibacterial sanitizers, and wipes as doing so actually makes us all less safe.

Below is a summary of the actions the City of Minneapolis is currently taking in response to this issue:

City leaders have provided an update on the City’s preparedness efforts and response to coronavirus disease 19 (COVID-19).

The City of Minneapolis is coordinating closely with the Minnesota Department of Health and Hennepin County in response to coronavirus disease 19. The City reminds everyone to practice good hygiene, stay home if you’re sick, be prepared and stay informed. Visit the City’s website for more information.

You can watch the news conference through the City’s Facebook page.

MN Department of Health Hotline:

The Minnesota Department of Health offers a coronavirus disease 19 hotline at 651-201-3920 with interpreters if needed.

The City of Minneapolis will answer questions during business hours in English, Spanish and Chinese at health@minneapolismn.gov.

As of March 13, these resources are offered during business hours.

What can Minnesotans do to protect themselves?

The best available guidance for avoiding coronavirus disease 19 is to take the same precautions you take for avoiding colds and flu:

  • Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and warm water for at least 20 seconds.
  • Cover your cough and sneeze. Cough or sneeze into the crook of your arm.
  • Avoid touching your face with unwashed hands.
  • Stay home when you’re sick. The Minnesota Department of Health emphasizes that this is the single best way to keep from spreading any illness. Learn more about sick and safe time. Sick and safe time is a law in Minneapolis protecting time off work.
  • Stay informed. Visit the Minnesota Department of Health and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) websites often.

As a reminder, seasonal flu is circulating in Minnesota. It’s never too late to get your flu shot, which will help protect you and those who are too young to get the shot.

Find more information in this list of frequently asked questions on the City’s website, and stay up to date by visiting the Minnesota Department of Health and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) websites often.

You can find materials and resources on the Coronavirus disease in multiple languages here: https://www.health.state.mn.us/diseases/coronavirus/materials/index.html

Canceled: Afternoons with Andrea: Women and The Law event

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In following best practices around precautionary measures of the spread of Coronavirus, I’ve made the decision to cancel Afternoons with Andrea next Friday, March 20th.

We should not take lightly the preventive measures recommended by experts in epidemiology and infectious diseases, such as “social distancing” by avoiding public gatherings when possible. For this reason, in the interest of helping protect our most vulnerable community members and all of us, I’m choosing to re-schedule Afternoons with Andrea this month.

We’ll return to hosting these events as greater measures for testing, treating and preventing the spread of COVID-19 becomes available.

We're incredibly grateful to our guest speakers and to all of you who show up. Thank you!

Cities of Minneapolis, Saint Paul announce new, lower speed limits


The Cities of Minneapolis and Saint Paul announced plans to lower speed limits to support safer streets. Slower speeds on local streets make travel safer for everyone no matter how you get around.

New speed limits will be 20 mph for local residential streets; 25 mph for larger, arterial city-owned streets; and 30 or more for a few city-owned streets. By Minnesota law, cities do not have authority to change speed limits on county and MnDOT roads. Speed limits on these streets in Minneapolis and Saint Paul will not change.

The speed limit changes follow detailed studies done by the Minneapolis and Saint Paul Public Works departments to determine appropriate local speed limits as required by state statute.

Reducing speed limits is one of the key strategies in the Minneapolis Vision Zero Action Plan, which outlines key steps for the next three years to advance the City’s goal of ending traffic deaths and injuries on City streets by 2027.

Learn more about the speed limit changes at visionzerompls.com and stpaul.gov/speedlimits.

The 2020 Census is here!


You can complete the census today:

  • As of March 12th, the 2020 Census will be available to complete online. Visit My2020Census.gov to complete the census questionnaire form.
  • Invitations to respond to the 2020 Census will begin arriving in mailboxes between March 12-20 and will include instructions for responding one of three ways:
    • Online
    • By Phone
    • Or by Mail
  •  Click here to view what the Census Mailings will look like.

Where can I get help completing the census?

  • If you need assistance to complete the 2020 Census, we encourage you to visit one of our Trusted Spaces questionnaire assistance centers (QAC). Our QAC's are community spaces staffed by familiar faces available to assist you with completing the 2020 Census. For more information about locations and hours please click here.

What questions will you be asked on the 2020 Census?

  • The U.S. Census Bureau has provided the questions that they will ask here.

Translated materials and resources

The City of Minneapolis has translated census outreach materials into additional languages not available on the Census Bureau website.

Visit minneapolismn.gov/census/wecountresources for information in: Hmong, Lao, and Somali.

City Council approves buyout of Kmart lease, paving way for reopening of Nicollet

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The City Council has authorized City staff to move forward with an agreement to terminate the Kmart store’s leases at 10 W. Lake St. early – a major development in long-time efforts to reopen Nicollet.

Reopening Nicollet Avenue at Lake Street has been a top City and community priority for decades. Reopening the street will reconnect neighborhoods, reestablish the street grid and set the stage for new development on 10 acres of land currently home to single-story retail buildings and surface parking lots. The Kmart store was built in 1977.

City staff have recommended spending $9.1 million to end Kmart’s lease on or before June 30, 2020. The lease – including multiple options – was scheduled to expire 2053. The proposed funding source for the lease termination agreement is the City’s Streetcar Value Capture Fund. The Value Capture tool allows the City to tap property taxes generated from five parcels along the Nicollet Central corridor identified for a future streetcar line.

The City Council authorized spending $8 million June 30, 2017, to purchase the leased-fee estate of 10 W. Lake St. Cash from the Streetcar Value Capture Fund covered the purchase. 

City staff will begin the process of preparing to move ahead with demolishing the structures on the Kmart site later this year and working with the community on a new street and a new development vision for the site.

Kingfield Community Celebration Cancelled + Election Updates

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KFNA has cancelled their Annual Meeting but will host elections online!

The Community Celebration & Annual Meeting scheduled for March 18th and the Community Pancake Breakfast on March 21st have been canceled due to concerns about social events and the potential spread of the coronavirus. To keep all neighbors safe, KFNA is canceling events involving food and direct person-to-person contact until further notice.

Online voting:
KFNA welcome you to review all 8 candidate profiles for the KFNA Board of Directors Election 2020 and VOTE for up to six of them online! Votes must be cast by 8 PM Wednesday March 18 either online or in-person, in-person ballots can be both picked up and returned to the Kingfield Neighborhood Association, located in the Nicollet Community Action Hub at 3537 Nicollet between the hours of 10 AM-4 PM, Monday through Thursday.

View Candidate Profiles: https://kingfield.org/…/KFNA-Board-of-Directors-Election-20…

Vote Online: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/BWRY7VN

Update from MnDOT on I-35W@94 construction

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Please plan for detours and stay safe.

  • Work and lane closures will occur on Lake Street between Blaisdell Avenue and Fifth Avenue starting March 30-Nov. 1.
  • The 46th Street ramp to I-35W north will close this summer for the remainder of the project.
  • Crews will shift to working on the northbound lanes of I-35W this summer.
  • The ramps from I-35W north to Fifth Avenue and from Fourth Avenue to I-35W south in downtown Minneapolis will be closed for up to three months starting in late April.
  • At least one planned weekend full closure of I-35W between Highway 62 and I-94.

Stay connected

For real-time travel information anywhere in Minnesota visit 511mn.org or dial 5-1-1.

City releases draft Minneapolis Transportation Action Plan; City seeking public comment on the 10-year action plan through April 22

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The City of Minneapolis has released a draft of the Minneapolis Transportation Action Plan, a 10-year action plan to guide future planning, design and implementation of transportation projects for all people in all the ways they move around.

The Transportation Action Plan advances the transportation vision outlined in the Minneapolis 2040 Comprehensive Plan – a framework that emphasizes equity and a commitment to addressing our climate emergency by focusing on low or no-carbon transportation options. The City is taking public comment on the action plan through April 22.

The plan includes strategies and actions across the following topics: walking, bicycling, transit, technology, freight, street operations and design. Highlights include:

  • Reaching a goal of having three out of every five trips taken by walking, bicycling or transit to help achieve the City’s climate goals.
  • Improving the experience of people walking and rolling on our streets with actions focused on safer street crossings and a new plaza program, among other things.
  • Expanding transit coverage so 75% of residents are within a five-minute walk of high frequency transit and 90% are within a 10-minute walk.
  • Using street design to provide a comfortable and healthy environment for people, including more greening in street projects.
  • Implementing a network of mobility hubs where people can connect to multiple shared, low or no-carbon transportation options, such as bikes, scooters, cars and transit.

Comment on the draft plan

Comment online on the draft plan at go.minneapolismn.gov or provide feedback at an upcoming open house.

Use the hashtag #gompls on social media to share feedback on the draft plan.

Next steps

A final Transportation Action Plan is expected to be reviewed by the City Council later in 2020. Learn more at go.minneapolismn.gov.

City seeking partners for City-owned parklets for 2020 season

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The City of Minneapolis is seeking community partners to host City-owned parklets for the 2020 season. Parklets are unique public gathering spaces built in the right-of-way with seating, plantings and other amenities.

Neighborhood organizations, businesses, nonprofits, community organizations and Special Services Districts are encouraged to apply to host a City-owned parklet. The application deadline is Friday, April 3. The City has three parklets available in the program for use in 2020.

City crews will setup the parklets at host locations in the spring after street sweeping is completed and will remove them in the fall. The City-owned parklets include the parklet structure (platform and planter boxes), plantings, chairs, tables, patio umbrellas and public parklet signage. Hosts are responsible for day-day to maintenance such as watering plants, picking up trash, talking down umbrellas on windy days, locking up tables and chairs when not in use and reporting any issues.

The goal of the parklet program is to activate streets with fun public spaces that make neighborhoods more vibrant and support local businesses. Find more information about the parklet host application process on the City’s website or by contacting parklets@minneapolismn.gov.

St. Peter's AME Church Annual Lay Day Weekend Event Invitation

Lay Day Flyer

Update from the Community Environmental Advisory Commission (CEAC)

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During CEAC's February meeting, the Community Environmental Advisory Commission heard presentations from the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency on zipcode air monitoring, and Environmental Quality of Life on a public health survey that is being conducted on air pollution in North and Northeast Minneapolis census tracts around the Lowry Bridge. They are committed to grappling with how to make this a city that works for everyone and addresses environmental injustices. If you are interested in letting CEAC know about your community’s environmental concerns, please visit CEAC's website for their contact form or leave a note on our “Friends of CEAC” facebook page.

Here are some things that might interest you:

Do you wish you had more tree cover on your property? Are you a homeowner, a landlord, or a renter with a great landlord relationship? Sign up for the CityTrees program! Those in Green Zones can sign up March 16-22; those outside of Green Zones who have not participated in the last three years can apply March 23-April 15; everyone else can apply April 16-May 1.

Bee Safe Minneapolis' mission is to inspire and empower others to build more bee safe places in Minneapolis and beyond!
There are 3 ways to get involved:

  1.  Pledge your yard or garden and help get your neighborhood certified as Pollinator Safe.
  2. Volunteer as a Bee Safe Connector and help get your neighborhood certified as Pollinator Safe.
  3. Pledge to Be a Bee Safe Business or Organization and help build the buzz through your local community. Find more info here: www.beesafempls.org

If you’re interested in joining CEAC, their next meeting will be: March 18, 2020 from 5-7 pm, Rm 132 in City Hall. Check their Facebook page for updated information.

Visit us at minneapolismn.gov/ward8

Central • Bryant  Bancroft  Field  Regina  Northrop  Lyndale  Kingfield

Andrea Jenkins, 350 S. Fifth St., City Hall Room 307, Minneapolis, MN 55415


For reasonable accommodations or alternative formats please call 311 at 612-673-3000.

People who are deaf or hard of hearing can use a relay service to call 311 at 612-673-3000. TTY users can call 612-673-2157 or 612-673-2626.

Para asistencia 612-673-2700, Yog xav tau kev pab, hu 612-673-2800, Hadii aad Caawimaad u baahantahay 612-673-3500.

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