(L to R): Aster Nebro's late husband, Kirk Washington Jr.; Aster and family outside of her home; Aster's two daughters and their friend pose for prom photos out in their yard.
The City’s Minneapolis Homes program has a goal of reducing racial disparities in home ownership through product and program offerings; stabilizing current residents is one aspect of achieving that goal. Aster Nebro, an immigrant from Ethiopia, is a City of Minneapolis employee and resident of North Minneapolis. Aster purchased her home in the Harrison Neighborhood (where she serves on the Harrison Neighborhood Association Board) using the City’s down payment assistance program, Homeownership Opportunity Minneapolis (HOM).
Aster is an advocate and community leader just like her late husband Kirk Washington Jr. – a local artist, advocate and leader – who died in a car accident in 2016, leaving Aster a single mother of two high school girls. As one of the 12 poets who contributed to the poem, One Minneapolis: A City in Verse, Kirk writes, “I speak the gospel of the Northside, with the rage of lovers…and perceive in my dreams.…a unified breath that electrocutes fear and misunderstanding... to remain apathetic is assured enslavement so... precisely, what is a dream.” For Aster and her family, owning a home was the answer in fulfilling a dream.
Aster notes, “the longer you stay in the home, the more wealth you build. I have more security for my children and wanted to give them an asset; a house was the answer.” Aster is thankful for the help she received from City staff and non-profit partners in purchasing the home of her choice on the Northside; “I feel more settled now, I do not have to move around. The girls can do whatever because it’s their home.”
Learn about the Missing Middle Housing Pilot Program
Missing Middle housing program will incentivize the development of 3-to-20-unit homes.
The City will soon pilot a program to incentivize the development of 3-to-20 units of ownership or rental housing throughout the city called “Missing Middle” housing.
This type of housing isn’t commonly found. Only about 20% of units in the city fall within the 3-to-20-unit range. Missing Middle housing will help the City achieve goals it set in the 2040 Comprehensive Plan, including increasing access to and production of affordable housing, as well as creating diverse and innovative housing types that meet the different and changing needs of community members.
The program will fund the affordable units in housing developments through an RFP process this summer. Funds will cover the gap between what it takes to build the projects and either what a qualified household can afford for a first mortgage for ownership projects, or what a qualified household can pay for rent for rental projects. Homeowner projects in North Minneapolis will recapture subsidy for a future homebuyer, all other projects will be required to remain affordable for 30 years. Qualified households must have an income at or below 80% AMI if ownership or 50% AMI if rental.
The Program website contains more detail.
Minneapolis Art Wrap designs by Gail Katz-James (left) and Kirsten Walstead (right, also in photo).
The City is seeking 20 artists to create the next generation of Art Wraps! The Art Wrap program has become a popular form of Public Art on local utility boxes. It has also helped decrease tagging and graffiti on utility boxes. The selected designs will be available to communities at the end of the summer through the City's public art permit application process.
Artists of all experience levels from Minnesota are encouraged to apply. Artists whose designs are selected will be awarded $1,100 – $2,500. To learn more about the opportunity and how to apply, please visit the Call for Artists website.
Bde Maka Ska art dedication. (Source: Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board)
Over 200 people gathered on Saturday, June 8 to celebrate new public artworks and a gathering space at Bde Maka Ska. The Dakota village is celebrated by the new artworks along the southeast shores of Bde Maka Ska – stamps in a new walking path that incorporate Dakota images and language, a railing that presents imagery from agriculture, a gathering space and digital media with Dakota voices.
The City of Minneapolis Art in Public Places program and the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board worked with the artists, Mona Smith, Sandy Spieler and Angela Two Stars as they created the project that honors Maḣpiya Wic̣aṡṭa and celebrates the history of Ḣeyata Ọtunwe, a Dakota village located on Bde Maka Ska from 1829-1839. The project’s theme, Story Awakening, is intended to educate visitors about the broader history and culture of the Dakota and other Indigenous people who frequented and resided in this area over time.
Learn more at the Bde Maka Ska project website.
The East African Business Forum: fueling collaboration, innovation and resources to help start or grow a business.
The East African Business Forum is a chance for East African business owners and entrepreneurs to meet with City staff for help with starting or growing their business. The forum is on Thursday, June 27, 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. at the Lutheran Social Services of Minnesota. Interpreters will be provided.
The forum will begin with a welcome by Mayor Frey and Council Member Warsame, with a Q & A near the end of the forum.
Everyone is welcome to join the forum and learn about:
- Business loans and business plans
- Technical and marketing help
- Licenses and permits
- Business regulations, health inspections and construction codes
- Minneapolis Minimum Wage and Sick and Safe Time ordinances
- How to do business with the City
Contact Suado Abdi at 612-246-0793 or SmallBusiness@minneapolismn.gov with questions.
Teens Take their Skills to the Test
Over 175 Minneapolis teens job search, network and find resources at the 2019 Minneapolis Teen Job Fair.
The Minneapolis Teen Job Fair was on Saturday, June 1 this year and brought over 175 Minneapolis teens to the Hennepin County Library for a day of job searching, learning and networking. The City has programs in place that help to plant the seed that grows community wealth – whether it's through home programs, business assistance, career programs, or planning for policies that close disparities. The Teen Job Fair is one of the ways to get youth excited and confident about working and finding their niche.
Step Up Interns Start their Summer Internships
The Step Up summer 2019 internships are in the final phase. Hundreds of youth have been attending weekend events that match them to their summer internship, which begins Monday, June 17. At the events, youth learn about and prepare for their summer internship!
Employment and Training – Career Pathways
The City has 8 Career Pathways, which provide training opportunities in careers involving public safety, trades and professional services. The programs support students and help them build economic stability.
911 Career Pathway Update: On May 21, the second 911 career pathway cohort from Hennepin Technical College graduated. The cohort consisted of 24 students – majority were women, 46% were people of color and all below 200% of poverty. HIRED provided the coordination and student wraparound support.
Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Career Pathway Update: On April 15, 24 students were selected for the fourth cohort of the EMS Academy (with 92% being people of color). Project for Pride in Living (PPL) is the coordination and wrapround provider and Hennepin Health is the training provider. Most of the graduates from this career pathway move into EMS jobs, fire cadet positions with the City or pursue paramedic training.
PharmTech Career Pathway Update: Recruitment is underway for the first cohort of the Pharmacy Technician pathway. The class will begin in June and students will finish the course in the fall with a paid externship. PPL is the coordination and wraparound services provider. The City’s training partner is Minneapolis College and the primary employer partner for this cohort is CVS.
Northern Spark Friday June 14 and Saturday, June 15, 9:00 p.m. - 2:00 a.m. Locations
A weekend of art and events that are free to the public! More Information
Stone Arch Bridge Festival Saturday, June 15, 10:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.; Sunday, June 16, 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Festival location
Join the festival fun with free admission to art, music, markets and activities. There is a car show, a kick-off concert and ticketed events as well! More Information
East Isles Farmer’s Market Thursdays from 4:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. 1420 The Mall, between Humboldt and Irving Avenues in Uptown
On Thursday, June 20, get your goat on at the East Isles Farmers Market. The yoga is simple and light-hearted for all fitness levels. Goat yoga is one part yoga, one part goat therapy and 3 parts laughter therapy. More Information
ConnectUP! MN Summit Friday, June 21 - Sunday, June 23 Wilder Center, St. Paul
ConnectUP! MN is a culturally grounded gathering of curated underestimated entrepreneurs and investors that: learn and share with each other, engage in relationship-building and provide best and next practices from the field. The conference is a chance to engage in active problem solving that builds thriving, diverse and sustainable enterprises, and co-design an ecosystem that prioritizes equitable access to resources, capital and networks. More Information
Minneapolis Taste of the Nation Hotlist Thursday, June 20, 7:00 p.m. - 9:30 p.m. Nicollet Island Pavilion 40 Power Street
Join in for an unforgettable night of unlimited bites and sips from the Twin Cities' best restaurants and drink purveyors. More Information
New/Expanding Businesses
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