Team –
We’ve all heard the expression, “can’t see the forest for the trees,” to describe situations where we can’t see the big picture because we’re lost in the details. It can sometimes feel that way as we’re learning new processes, implementing new plans, or just training on new concepts. As state team members, we’re lucky to have a wealth of training and best practices available. But, sometimes, it can be overwhelming to understand how it all fits together.
A tool used by teachers to help their students learn new concepts is to link new information to existing ideas, giving their students a known frame of reference on which to build. We can use this same tool as learners in the workplace to increase our understanding and see how it all fits together. With each new process or plan, look for similarities to ideas you already understand and use.
Two of our favorite topics in General Services are Continuity Planning and Enterprise Risk Management. These are both unique concepts for using data, planning, and keeping our teams safe and productive. They each have a specific purpose, but the goals and steps are very similar. The steps for each concept include identifying a goal or problem, gathering and analyzing information, planning and implementing action steps, and communication.
When you think about it, we use these same steps in our personal lives. Anyone who has planned a summer garden or tackled a home project knows it turns out better with careful planning, using good information. The middle of July is not a good time to “wing it” and start digging up the yard. 😊 Most of the new concepts we learn and use in our programs aren’t so very different from planning that garden! We know more than we think! The names (and acronyms) might be different, but many of the concepts are the same. Use what you already know and build on it.
Have a great week!
Jacinda Thudium Deputy Division Director, General Services
"Thank you to Payton Turpin with the OA FMDC grounds crew for letting us borrow their dump truck for a few days to haul scrap metal to the scrap yard. This made short work for a big project."
~Broc Kohl
"I want to give a shout out to Jacinda Thudium and her continued support with our scanning project. We couldn't have gotten it done without you!"
~Aaron Dickey
"Special thanks to Edward Lang. While I was out sick with covid, Edward stepped up and filled in for me during an OA influencer meeting. He fit right in with the rest of the influencer team and would make a great addition!"
~Michelle Collier
"Shout out to Jacinda Thudium for writing the opening message for this week's GS Weekly!"
~Crystal Wessing
"I want to thank FMDC's Brad Berendzen for loaning a truck to Surplus to pick up a barbecue pit."
~Ernie Rademann
"Kudos to the Mail Team out at Document Solutions! Along with budget books, the team has also worked tirelessly to send out W9 and W2 tax forms. We all are deeply appreciative of their hard work."
~Erin Coles
With a new year, comes a new budget season. Kudos to the entire team at Document Solutions for their incredible work printing the department budget books, budget in brief, and Governor’s FY25 Budget Recommendations.
This is no short order and usually demands long hours and a quick turnaround time. Many team members came in early, stayed late and even worked weekends in order to meet budget deadlines.
In recognition of their hard work, State Budget Director Dan Haug stopped by the Scruggs Station facility with some sweet treats to personally thank the team for all the help they've provided and continue to provide every day.
Thank you all for your commitment to serving our customers!
Missouri Leadership Academy Kicks Off With Class 12
Class 12 of the Missouri Leadership Academy officially kicked off this week. The Office of Administration is proud to have two team members representing the Department, including Bobby McKee and General Services' very own Jessica Caddell!
For those of you who are unfamiliar, the Leadership Academy is an innovative program that brings together emerging leaders from across our executive departments to build new skills and become better leaders. If you see Jessica, be sure to give her a much-earned congratulations.
Participating in the QPS is a great way to encourage open communication within your organization. Click here to complete the QPS, and make your voice heard. The survey will close at 11:59 p.m. CST on Friday, Feb. 2. Visit the QPS website, to learn more about the QPS and how previous feedback has directly influenced the state workforce.
Surplus Hits Major Milestone
After 31,000-plus postings, the Missouri State Agency for Surplus Property (MOSASP), has surpassed $25 million in online auction sales with GovDeals!
Read the full story in the next issue of the OA Insider.
Happy New Year everyone!
Now that we’ve entered a new year, I think it’s a great time to re-evaluate all aspects in life and to give yourself new goals. Each month, I will be providing suggestions on ways to increase your overall happiness, whether it’s something you decide to implement at work and/or in your personal life.
One obstacle I run into personally is that clutter around me can hinder my clear thinking and productivity. Perhaps, if you have the same issue, now is a great time to declutter your mind, your workspace, or your living space. Benefits of decluttering your life include having better concentration, sleeping more soundly, improving your mood, and it can help you focus on accomplishing your goals. What better way to give yourself a clean slate for a new year? Whether you choose or choose not to declutter any aspect in your life, I hope that 2024 brings you happiness and satisfaction.
Always remember…you are important and appreciated!
~Jessica Barbie
Mark Your Calendar!
Click the image above to learn more about the 2024 Black History Month Celebration.
For a complete list of state holidays, visit oa.mo.gov.
If you would like to recognize a fellow team member in the GS Weekly, please let us know! Contact communications@oa.mo.gov for more information.