Team Changes
The Tobacco Prevention and Control Program is proud to welcome two new team members, Jennifer VanBooven and Joanne Moore-Lewis.
Jennifer VanBooven is joining us as the Tobacco Prevention Policy Specialist. Jennifer has extensive experience in public health at the state and local levels. Jennifer is passionate about making an impact on the health of all Missourians. Jennifer can be reached at jennifer.vanbooven@health.mo.gov.
Joanne Moore-Lewis has joined the team as the new Tobacco Prevention and Control Contract Specialist. Joanne brings 22 years of state experience working with contracts, fiscal processes, and IT. Joanne's skills are assets to the program and will enable us to better assist partners and contractors. Joanne can be reached at joanne.moorelewis@health.mo.gov.
Join the Tobacco Cessation Health Systems Change Community of Practice
TPCP is offering a free virtual Tobacco Cessation Community of Practice (CoP) for behavioral health and health care providers through May 2025. The University of Colorado Behavioral Health and Wellness Program facilitates this interactive learning environment where you can set individualized goals to improve your organization's treatment of tobacco use. You’ll have opportunities to connect with peers from other Missouri organizations. The CoP will consist of six educational webinars, eleven (monthly) Learning Community Calls (LCC), and access to the Dimensions Tobacco Free Group.
View previous webinars here.
Contact Derek Noland at DEREK.NOLAND@CUANSCHUTZ.EDU to register.
Dimensions: Tobacco Free Program Advanced Techniques Training
The DIMENSIONS: Tobacco Free Program is an evidence-based tobacco cessation program designed to teach providers and peers the necessary information and skills to promote successful tobacco cessation within their organization. This one-and-a-half day in-person training covers tobacco fundamentals, tobacco addiction, tobacco cessation strategies, and a motivational intervention for tobacco cessation. Participants will also be trained to facilitate the DIMENSIONS Tobacco Free Group curriculum—a 6-week tobacco cessation group. The Advanced Techniques training is a train-the-trainer model, meaning participants will leave the training with the materials and knowledge to train others at their organization. This training will be held in Jefferson City, MO on, November 13-14, 2024 and is being offered at NO COST. Breakfast and lunch will be provided, mileage and lodging will be reimbursed by our program. Click below to view more detailed flyers.
No Judgment! Refer Today!
Health care providers and other organizations can refer individuals to free, nonjudgmental cessation services through Missouri Tobacco Quit Services (MTQS). It’s proven that if a provider advises a patient to quit just one time, it doubles their chance for success.
Missouri Tobacco Quit Services are FREE, confidential, and an effective way to help Missourians, ages 13 and up, quit all forms of tobacco, including e-cigarettes and smokeless tobacco. Referring someone is easy! Referral information and cessation resources can be found using the link below.
Refer Teens to My Life My Quit!
My Life, My Quit offers teens access to specially trained Quit Coaches that will help them build a quit plan, identify triggers, practice refusal skills, and obtain ongoing support for changing behaviors in order to be free from nicotine.
Adults can refer teens for free, confidential help by going to MyLifeMyQuit.com. HIPPAA and Non-HIPPAA covered entities may refer with the youth's consent to participate in the program.
Free Signage is Available!
Would your school or organization like to enhance your tobacco-free policy? Are you interested in free signage for your campus? If so, complete the TPCP order form with your campus policy attached and have signage delivered directly to you free of charge. As a bonus, technical assistance and support will be given as needed to enhance non-comprehensive policies. Checkout the other free materials including, smoke/tobacco-free window clings and smoke-free housing outdoor signs, by clicking the TPCP order form below.
Join the Show Me Smokefree Movement!
The Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services (MO DHSS) is excited to continue promotion of the Show Me Smokefree campaign. Through online and on-the-ground efforts, Show Me Smokefree aims to increase access to smoke-free air in all workplaces and public places, so that Missourians can be healthy no matter where they work or spend time.
Visit ShowMeSmokefree.com to learn more or join the movement to increase access to smoke-free air. Show Me Smokefree also has dedicated Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube pages with shareable videos, images, and other content explaining the importance of updating Missouri’s smoke-free air laws. Click below to watch the #ShowMeSmokefree campaign video.
Congratulations Dent County!
In March 2024 Dent County passed a smokefree ordinance prohibiting smoking on city properties and specifically in public parks to the codes of Salem. The new ordinance passed as a result of hard work by the local coalition with technical assistance and funding from the Department of Health and Senior Services. Click here to read more!
More local wins and successes can be viewed on the TPCP website HERE!
Discrimination, poverty, and other social conditions are associated with commercial tobacco use and can make it harder for individuals to quit. The Missouri Tobacco Prevention and Control program has a commitment to health equity. By addressing social determinants of health, including those related to targeted marketing from tobacco companies and barriers to healthcare, states and communities can move toward health equity and continue to reduce health disparities. To explore Missouri specific data through the CDC Tobacco Disparities Dashboard click here!
Tobacco Tax
Where does Missouri stand?
- Missouri has the lowest cigarette tax in the nation at $0.17/20-pack.
- The national average is $1.96/20-pack
- The next lowest is Georgia at $0.37/20-pack
- The highest is New York at $5.35/20-pack
- Missouri does not have an excise tax on vaping products. E-cigarettes, cartridges, and kits and alternative nicotine products such as oral nicotine pouches are only subject to state and local sales tax.
Why do tobacco taxes matter?
- Raising tobacco taxes is proven to reduce youth use and help people quit.
- 128,000 Missouri children are destined to die early from smoking if current rates of use continue.
- For every 10% increase in the tobacco tax, the rate of youth tobacco use decreases by 6-7%.
- Missourians support higher tobacco taxes. More than 3 in 4 Missourians said they would support raising state taxes on tobacco and e-cigarette products.
- Missouri’s low tobacco tax contributes to our status as part of Tobacco Nation. Read more about Tobacco Nation here!
Local communities can increase the price of tobacco products and lower tobacco use rates through non-tax strategies such as setting a minimum price, prohibiting price discounts/ multi-pack discounts, and requiring a minimum pack size.
Join the Missouri Tobacco Prevention and Control Strategic Plan Statewide Workgroup!
Help improve the health of Missourians by promoting and supporting tobacco-free environments and lifestyles. Contact motobaccoprogram@health.mo.gov or
(573) 522-2820 for more information.