Conference Committee Members Reach Agreements on HB 3; Chambers Approve FY24 Operating Budgets
On Wednesday, May 3, the House and Senate budget conferees met to reconcile differences between each chamber’s recommendations for higher education and workforce development spending. The meeting was chaired by Rep. Cody Smith (R-Carthage) and Sen. Lincoln Hough (R-Springfield).
Notable higher education and workforce development positions taken on conferenced items are as follows. Items supported by both chambers were not discussed during the meeting and are not listed here.
- $2.5 million toward the proposed P20W data system would allow Missourians to analyze de-identified information from multiple state agencies to make informed decisions about education, workforce, social services, and many other areas
- 7 percent inflationary core increase restored for public universities and new $16.8 million placeholder for funds towards a performance funding model
- $100,000 for a department-recommended Student Journey Mapping NDI. Student Journey Mapping is a tool that institutions can use to make their institutional processes and policies more efficient and ensure their campuses are more welcoming to adult learners
- $38.3 million for MoExcels projects (fully funding all Governor recommended projects)
- $4.7 million toward the Fast Track Workforce Incentive Grant
- Removing the $3 million general revenue recommendation for the Apprenticeship Missouri program to provide a stable funding stream to continue building the program for Missouri’s citizens and employers
- $2.3 million toward a statewide precision health and agricultural sciences program
- $5 million for the MU Extension Council
- $15 million toward the MU eMINTS Program
- $220,666 for the State Historical Society COLA increase
- $300,000 towards a social work program in St. Joseph
During this discussion, the conference committee held the Senate language position that removed House language which stated the following, “No funds shall be expended for staffing, vendors, consultants, or programs associated with “Diversity, Equity, Inclusion,” or “Diversity, Inclusion, Belonging,” or any other initiative which similarly promotes: 1) the preferential treatment of any individual or group of individuals based upon race, color, religion, sex, gender, sexuality, ethnicity, national origin, or ancestry; 2) the concept that disparities are necessarily tied to oppression; 3) collective guilt ideologies; 4) intersectional or divisive identity activism; or, 5) the limiting of freedom of conscience, thought, or speech. This does not prohibit the department from following federal and state employment and antidiscrimination laws.”
On Friday, May 5, both chambers passed HB 3; the bill now heads to Governor Mike Parson.
Senate Appropriations Committee Amends HS for HB 3017-3020
The Senate Appropriations Committee, chaired by Sen. Lincoln Hough (R-Springfield), convened on Thursday, May 4, to mark up HBs 3017-3020. Of importance to higher education and workforce development are HB 17 (re-appropriations), HB 19 (capital improvements), and HB 20 (American Rescue Plan Act).
The committee carried over all House recommendations related to higher education and workforce development under HB 17 but made several updates to HB 19 and 20. On Friday, May 5, the House and Senate Chambers accepted those changes on the floor without going to conference on either bill. The notable items are as follows:
HB 19 – Capital Improvements
- All additional state funding support toward each public higher education institutions’ HB 3020 (FY23) transformational projects and new transformational projects with a 50/50 match moved to HB 20
- $15 million toward a manufacturing innovation center in St. Louis City, requiring a 50/50 match
- $700,000 continued funding for the UMKC Medical School campus in St. Joseph for design and construction costs - 50/50 match
- $2 million for the MU Delta Center Soil Lab
- $1 million for the MU Delta Center Greenhouse and Farm Buildings
- $46 million for the St. Louis Community College Nursing Allied Health Building
- $200,000 toward the Mineral Area Community College Veterinary Technician Program
- $1.4 million toward the Crowder College Veterinary Technician Program
- $2 million towards the Jefferson Community College Veterinary Technician Program
- $200,000 toward the St. Louis Community College Veterinary Technician Program
- $1 million for the UMSL International Collaboration Initiative
HB 20 – American Rescue Plan Act
- Additional state funding support toward each public higher education institutions’ HB 3020 (FY23) transformational projects and new transformational projects with a 50/50 match
- Carries over federal funding into FY24 for projects funded in HB 3020 (FY23)
- $2.2 million increase toward planning and implementing technology updates for Missouri's job centers providing statewide services to citizens and employers
Other Updates:
- On Wednesday, the Senate passed HB 417, which provides grants to employers to encourage their employees to obtain “upskill” credentials. The Senate also added new name, image, and likeness language to HB 447 and HB 417; both bills were passed by the Senate. The House and Senate are expected to reconcile language difference passed by both chambers during conference.
The First Session of the 102nd General Assembly will adjourn sine die at 6 p.m. on Friday, May 12.