Nature Play

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Nature Play

Good for the body and mind

Talk to adults who like camping, hunting and fishing and you will probably learn they spent time playing in nature as a child. Today with technology playing an increased role in education and play time, it is important to be reminded that learning and playing outside is beneficial for children.

Nature play enhances cognitive abilities in children, supports creativity and problem solving, and improves academic performance. According to the Child Mind Institute, spending time outdoors isn’t just enjoyable it’s necessary. Many educators agree kids who play outside are happier, better at paying attention and less anxious than kids who spend more time indoors. 

Ten years ago, the Discovery Center decided to build a nature play area out of a pile of tree trunks and called it Sycamore Station for the huge sycamore tree that shades the area. Ask any kid that has attended a school field trip here and they might tell you that climbing and playing on the tree trunks was their favorite part. 

Join us for Sycamore Station this Saturday, we’re inviting kids and families to spend the day with us having fun with nature play. We’ll have guided nature play activities like shelter building, making music with shells and creating nature art.  We will also have just plain old unstructured outside play in a fun, safe environment at Sycamore Station. Registration is required for one-hour sessions at 10:00 a.m., 11:30 a.m. and 1:00 p.m..

Boy with wooden bowl of leaves and nuts.

Leaves, seeds and nuts make a tasty make believe meal.