MO Tree Health News: October 11, 2016

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MO Tree Health News: October 11, 2016

Have your trees dropped their leaves early?

We have received many reports of early leaf drop this year on ash, oak, hickory and other species. This summer’s prolonged wet, humid periods in many parts of the state were favorable for late-season leaf diseases, which are different from the common anthracnose diseases in early spring. Affected leaves generally have brown blotches or spots, and, unfortunately, often fall from the tree before achieving peak color. The good news is we anticipate minimal long-term impacts to tree health from most of these leaf diseases. Good tree care practices will help ensure your trees remain healthy for years to come.

Ash Leaf Spot

Ash leaf spot (Mycosphaerella leaf spot) is common on ash trees this year. Some affected trees have already lost most of their leaves. There are no recommended treatments since defoliation usually occurs late enough in the growing season that the impact on tree health is minimal. Visit this page for more information:

Tubakia Leaf Spot of Oak

Tubakia leaf spot is common on oaks in late summer and fall. Affected trees may appear ragged, but should look healthy next spring. Treatment is usually not necessary. More information is available on this page:

Leaf diseases are causing blotchy brown areas on these oak leaves. MDC photo

Leaf disease on oak