Onsite Wastewater 2024 Season Update

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May 24, 2024

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Welcome to the St. Louis County Onsite Wastewater news. You are receiving this message because you have signed up for updates with the St. Louis County Planning and Zoning Department. This resource will keep you updated with information about Onsite Wastewater news.

Permit Activity

The construction season has officially started. Back on May 6th, road restrictions were lifted in the North region. With the lifting of road restrictions, Onsite Wastewater has seen an increase in permit activity, especially permits to construct (89), compliance inspections (181), and operating permit and operating permit renewals (79). The Division strives to provide positive customer experiences through guiding SSTS Professionals, and property owners through the permitting process and issuing SSTS permits on a first in/first out basis and in a timely manner. Environmental Specialist continue to conduct final inspections (119) as septic system installations are completed throughout the season. As a reminder, please contact the Division or the Environmental Specialist assigned to the SSTS Area a minimum of 48 hours in advance during normal business hours to schedule a new construction final inspection.

Septic Program Enhancements

As we move the program forward, we are continually looking to work together to make incremental improvements to enhance the program by protecting public health and safety, and ground and surface waters for the benefit of the SSTS Professionals and the public/property owners we serve. The Division has identified the following areas which we will be pay special attention to and implement strategies for improvement.  


In some instances, we’ve noticed the slope reported on the design is inaccurate to the actual slope at the site. Inaccurate reporting of the slope can throw off the calculated material needed to correctly berm the upslope and downslope absorption areas of a mound or can lead to incorrect determination of the contour loading rate. Designers shall measure and calculate the slope of the site and accurately record the slope on the design. Environmental Specialists will be reviewing the accuracy of the reported slope during the review process using LiDAR elevation data. Additionally, Environmental Specialists will also verify and measure slopes at the site and on the mound berms during new construction final inspection. If, during final inspection, the slope at the site is determined to be different by +/- 3% or if the upslope or downslope berms are steeper than 3:1, corrections to the system to bring it into compliance may be required.

Final Cover

Unless specifically approved by the Division or an Environmental Specialist no portion of the system shall be covered to allow for a final inspection to be conducted. Upon inspection approval, final cover shall be added, and project construction shall be finished. Installers are responsible for the final cover. Per 7080.2220, it’s required to cover above grade systems with six inches of sandy to loamy soil material and six inches of topsoil. Additionally, vegetative cover must be established over the soil treatment and dispersal system and other disturbed areas. The Division is requesting installers to submit pictures to verify the final cover requirements. Environmental Specialists will be verifying that final cover requirements are met through follow-up inspections throughout the construction season.

Contact Us

Onsite Wastewater

If you have any questions about Onsite Wastewater or septic systems, please contact us:

(218) 471-7103
Email: oswinfo@stlouiscountymn.gov