Department Reorganization
This message is to inform you that we are making some reorganizational changes to better assist our citizens and respond to continued growth and need for services. The department formally known as “Planning and Community Development” has become two separate departments:
Economic & Community Development: This department’s primary function will be to identify and administer economic, community and housing development opportunities and programs and related services, as well as manage the county’s enterprise Geographic Information System business services. New webpage link: Economic & Community Development (
Planning & Zoning: This department’s primary function will be to administer On-Site Wastewater (septic) and Land Use (zoning) ordinances and permitting services, as well as facilitating the Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS) Prevention Aid Program and participating in water planning initiatives throughout St. Louis County's watersheds. New webpage link: Planning & Zoning (
The County’s website has been updated to reflect this change. If you have a website that links to one of our pages, please update if needed. We greatly appreciate your patience during this time, and if you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to us. This change will not affect the permitting process, grant applications, financial assistance programs, or their timelines.
Thank you for your time, and from all of us in Planning and Zoning, and Economic and Community Development, we look forward to continuing to serve you.