Required: Submission of paperwork before issuance of Certificate of Compliance
Installation contractors shall submit all required forms and documents (i.e. abandonment form, As-built, pressure test, etc.) prior to issuance of the certificate of compliance. The most efficient way is submit these to the Environmental Specialist during the final inspection of the SSTS.
Winter Installs: Soil Verification Now!

As the fall progresses and winter approaches, soil verification will become increasingly difficult to complete with confidence due to lower sun angle, challenging site conditions, and the possibility of frost and freezing conditions. Contractors intending to install a system during the onset of the winter months should contact the On-Site Wastewater division as soon as possible to verify soils NOW before conditions worsen.
Freezing or Frozen Soil SSTS Installation Policy
Fast Track Gov Implementation Success
St. Louis County Planning and Community Development department has successfully launched a new online septic permitting system earlier this spring that allows contractors and homeowners to apply and pay for septic permits online. The department strongly encourages and prefers the public to use the Septic Citizen Portal when applying and paying for septic permits. This program allows you to submit your completed applications, attachments, and payments online. This has allowed the On-Site Wastewater division to begin processing septic applications more quickly. It will save you (the public) and on-site staff time. Before applying online, users will first need to set up an account. Please visit the On-site Wastewater webpage on details of applying for a septic permit.
Citizen Portal
Peat Filter Systems: Technical Standards
There have been on-going discussions on the concerns identified regarding the use of Type IV peat filter systems within the On-Site Wastewater division and industry professionals. Discrepancies within the product registration letter and use of contour loading rates, and pressure distribution have been noted. A concern that remains is achieving uniform distribution throughout the soil treatment area and what is an allowable spacing between pods. Further discussion on how to address these systems will provide better clarity to the division and industry professionals moving into next year’s construction season. A meeting is planned to be scheduled in January 2022. Please contact the division if you wish to attend to be part of the discussion.
Off Season Contractor Meetings
With our continued effort to provide clear, consistent, and accurate information and guidance with SSTS Ordinance 61, and to improve our own workflows and communication with industry professionals, the On-Site Wastewater division will be holding contractor meeting(s) in the late winter/early spring of 2022. More information to follow in subsequent newsletters, however, please notify the division if you are interested in attending. Additionally, please provide specific topics you’d like to see addressed and discussed.