Fast Track Gov-Online Permitting Coming Soon! St. Louis County Planning and Community Development Department will be launching a new online septic permitting system this spring that will allow contractors and homeowners to apply and pay for septic permits online. Development of the new online system has been completed and staff training is underway. More information on the new online permitting system will be offered once the system has been launched. Stay tuned!
Compliance Inspections and Expired Operating Permits

On-site Wastewater regulations are intended to protect both citizen and environmental health, safety, and general welfare. It is important to keep a few details in mind when completing a compliance inspection on a system that requires an Operating Permit. A system that has an expired Operating Permit, or no Operating Permit, but is a system that is required to have developed one, is not in compliance with Ordinance 61. The system needs to be deemed non-compliant until the Operating Permit has been renewed and the system brought into compliance if other standards apply.
Article V, Section 2.0 Amendments to The Adopted Standards 2.04 Holding Tanks Subpart. 8 "Failure to properly develop and operate a holding tank is a violation of this Ordinance subject to enforcement action." This includes systems that have yet to be placed on an Operating Permit that should have been within 18 months following the adoption of Ordinance 61.
Article V, Section 2.0 Amendments to The Adopted Standards 2.04 Holding Tanks Subpart.9 "All holding tanks not currently permitted by the Department shall have 18 months from the date of Ordinance 61 adoption to obtain an operating permit without being in violation of this Ordinance. Failure to do so is a violation of this Ordinance."
As-Built Required for 2021 Season and Beyond As stated in Minnesota Rules Chapters 7080-7083, it is required that the installer submit an As-Built to the homeowner and Local Unit of Government within 30 days of a system installation.
7083.0760 Installation License. Subpart 2. Item C. Responsibilities. Installation Licensees must: "Provide as-built drawings to the owner and local unit of government within 30 days of system installation;"
Land Alteration Within Shoreland Area Please be reminded, contractors are required to follow land alteration and stormwater control best management practices for the installation of septic systems on shoreland property. Additional permit is not required, however, administrative and performance standards shall apply for all land alterations, shoreline vegetation alterations, and stormwater management within 300 feet of lakes and rivers.
Miscellaneous Misconceptions
- Privies and Holding Tanks are, in fact, considered septic systems and when writing escrow agreements for the replacements, these system types must be included as a SSTS.
A center-fed drain field has a minimum of two laterals, as each lateral extending out from the manifold is considered an individual lateral.
- Decks are a part of the structure if attached, therefore any setback from a deck must meet the structure setback in order to be considered compliant.
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On-Site Wastewater
If you have any questions about On-Site Wastewater, please contact:
Duluth Office: (218) 725-5200 Virginia Office: (218) 749-0625 Email:
New! On-Site Wastewater and Water Manager Ryan Logan (218)725-5014