In an effort to simplify and streamline the Subsurface Sewage Treatment System (SSTS) permitting process, the County is in the process of updating many of the On-Site Wastewater forms, such as the SSTS Application, Compliance Inspection, Operating Permit Renewal, and much more. Once completed, they will be uploaded onto the County website for the septic professionals to download. The County will be requiring the use of the new forms as the old forms are phased out. As the new forms become available, they will be posted at – Click here.
New Online Permitting System Coming Spring 2021

The department is expanding the use of its online permitting program, known as FastTrackGov (FTG). FTG is currently utilized by our Land Use Division, as well as various departments across the county for all their application and permitting needs and will soon be available for septic permitting. The County is currently in the testing phase and will soon go into production.
The scheduled launch of FTG for the On-Site Wastewater Division is spring 2021. It will enable the public to submit septic applications online 24 hours a day/7 days a week with the convenience of online payments. Registered users will also have the ability to track their application status as it goes through the review process. Septic applications will still be accepted in paper form after the release of FTG; however the County will strongly encourage the use of the online permitting system. Watch for additional online permitting information to come.
Multiple Compliance Inspection Process

Although many properties are serviced by a single SSTS, some properties have more than one SSTS. During the compliance inspection process for multiple SSTS on a single property, including privies, it is required that an entire set of documents must be submitted for each system. This is a state requirement, but it also helps the County track the SSTS systems separately, since they may not have the same compliance status and therefore requiring different timelines for possible corrective actions.
Note: Contour Loading Rate Chart
The County would like to provide clarification on the Contour Loading Rate (CLR) chart. In particular, whether or not the top layer can be omitted due to scarifying while determining the size of the system. Here is an excerpt from the St. Louis County Local Standards:
7080.1720 FIELD EVALUATION, Subp. 6. Determination of loading rate and absorption area size
“The effluent loading rate and absorption area size must be determined by examination of soil texture, undisturbed soil structure, and soil consistence of the most restrictive layer within the unsaturated zone three feet underlying the proposed soil absorption area.”
In short, all soil layers intending to be used as part of the three-foot soil separation for a system need to be evaluated and the sizing based on the most restrictive layer.
Contact us
On-Site Wastewater
If you have any questions about On-Site Wastewater, please contact:
Duluth Office: (218) 725-5200 Virginia Office: (218) 749-0625 Email: