Welcome! St. Louis County Planning and Community Development Department is launching a free subscription service for industry professionals on the latest information regarding on-site wastewater news periodically throughout the year. You can subscribe and unsubscribe at any time by following the link at bottom of this page.
The On-Site Wastewater division has been part of the County’s Environmental Services Department for many years. As of January 1, 2020, the On-Site Wastewater Division is now under St. Louis County’s Planning and Community Development Department. This change will bring together land use and on-site permitting functions for greater efficiencies and synergies when working on residential and commercial projects.
First and foremost, I want to thank you for the wonderful and professional services you provide to St. Louis County. The On-Site Wastewater division at St. Louis County has some major on-site friendly improvements, including:
- Launching online access to septic records (online since June 2020).
- Scanning! Continue to convert paper files to electronic for a variety of business uses.
- Streamline internal operations for improved permit approval process and integration with land use functions where applicable.
- Launching a new online permitting and payment system (Spring 2021).
We plan to continue to innovate and provide a high level of service and professionalism. With that said, we highly value your input on making St. Louis County’s On-Site Wastewater functions a great partnership with you. Please provide comments to us at: OSWInfo@StLouisCountyMN.gov
Please contact the On-Site staff if you have any questions! We look forward to our improved future…
We are pleased to announce a pilot project that includes a scanned collection of sanitary permits is now available online for the public to view, download, and/or print. These online sanitary permits will be made available through: County’s Land Explorer How To Access Guide
The permit septic records can be accessed 24 hours a day/7 days a week. No password or membership fee is required. It is free to access and to help our business partners obtain records in a more efficient and productive manner. It should be noted that not all records are scanned but the department continues to add records and refine.
The department is expanding its use of the online permitting program, known as FastTrackGov (FTG). FTG is currently utilized by our Land Use division, as well as various departments across the county for all their application and permitting needs and will soon be available for septic permitting.
The scheduled launch of FTG for the On-Site Wastewater Division is Spring 2021. It will enable the public to submit septic applications online 24 hours a day/7 days a week with the convenience of credit card payment. Registered users will also have the ability to track their application status as it goes through the review process. Septic applications will still be accepted in paper form after the release of FTG.
Grants: In cooperation with Arrowhead Economic Opportunity Agency (AEOA), St. Louis County has grants available for low-to-moderate income home owners with septic systems that are noncompliant or imminent threat to public health and/or safety. These forgivable loans are no interest, no payment loans that are forgiven after 5 years of ownership.
Loans: Low interest loans are available to assist St. Louis County property owners with financing site evaluation, design, installation, repair and replacement of individual sewage treatment
For more information and an application, please contact AEOA at 1-800-662-5711.
Contact us
Planning and Community Development
If you have any questions about On-Site Wastewater, please contact:
Duluth Office: (218) 725-5200 Virginia Office: (218) 749-0625 Email: oswinfo@stlouiscountymn.gov