Boozhoo! Hello District 7 residents, businesses, and friends!
Welcome to our new District 7 newsletter! I hope your 2025 is off to a fabulous start.
As you may be aware, I was sworn into the office of Ramsey County Commissioner serving Maplewood, North Saint Paul and White Bear Lake exactly one month ago.
I have been hitting the ground running with a lot of onboarding sessions, as well as learning and meeting with many of the committees, boards, and commissions I have been assigned to participate in or lead. Some of those I will be serving on include the following:
- Workforce Innovation Board
- Ramsey/Washington County Recycling & Energy Board
- Metropolitan Conservation Districts Joint Powers Board
- Metropolitan Emergency Services Board
- Metropolitan Mosquito Control District Board
- Association of Minnesota Counties' Environment and Natural Resources Policy Committee
We hope to be sending an update out on a monthly basis to keep you informed of upcoming events, offer you resources in your area and throughout Ramsey County, and to suggest where to dig deeper on any issues or happenings related to the county.
We also hope you will share these kinds of newsworthy items with us too. Please feel free to send event invitations, updates or just photos you would like us to share to my Principal Assistant, Kathleen at kathleen.murphy@co.ramsey.mn.us.
Of course, if you ever need assistance with a county issue or service, my door is always open. Please reach out if we can be of help in any way. I look forward to serving all the residents of Maplewood, North Saint Paul, and White Bear Lake to the best of my ability.
Miigwech, or thank you, for this opportunity to serve you.
 If this newsletter was forwarded to you, please sign up here!
 Meet the 2025 Ramsey County Board of Commissioners:
From left: County Manager Ling Becker, District 6 Commissioner Mai Chong Xiong, District 2 Commissioner MaryJo McGuire, District 1 Commissioner Tara Jebens-Singh, District 7 Commissioner Kelly Miller, District 4 Commissioner Rena Moran, and District 5 Commissioner Rafael Ortega. The commissioner for District 3 will be elected in a special election on February 11th. (below: Commissioners in action on day one.)
 Kelly with the Maplewood leadership team at a legislative breakfast briefing in December.
 Kelly introducing herself at the White Bear Lake City Council.
 Along with Commissioner Tara Jebens-Singh to meet with the Sheriff's department and a tour of the Adult Detention Center.
 County Manager Becker with Commissioners Jebens-Singh, Moran, and Miller with staff and aides at the Hmong Chamber of Commerce 2nd Annual Gala.
 Kelly and her family at the Bear'ly Open golf scramble and fundraiser for the White Bear Food Shelf.
Here's something we should all know about...
 The Food Scraps Pickup Program is a new way for residents of Maplewood and North Saint Paul to recycle food scraps from home! The program is rolling out over multiple years and will eventually be available to all residents of both Ramsey and Washington counties.
Why collect food scraps?
Twenty percent of our trash is food waste. When you participate in the food scraps pickup program, your food waste and non-recyclable paper products are recovered, recycled, and turned back into soil. Recovering food scraps from trash provides health, environmental and economic benefits to the community.
How does it work?
Food scraps and non-recyclable paper products will be collected from residents using bags provided by the program called “food scrap bags.” These are more durable than the compost bags available at your grocery store. Food scrap bags will be collected along with your trash and then separated from the trash after collection. This system requires no additional carts or trucks.

Order your free annual supply of food scrap bags.
- Once a week or when the bag is full, tie a single knot at the top to close the bag.
Place your food scrap bag inside your trash cart or dumpster for collection. Do NOT put it within your other plastic or paper garbage bags.
Done! The food scraps will be composted at our Recycling & Energy Center.
Learn more and get started by visiting
Click here for more details and information
For White Bear Lake residents: What if the program is not yet available to me?
For residents of White Bear Lake or Saint Paul, you can bring collected food scraps to a Ramsey or Washington County food scraps drop-off site. Click the link above to find the sites and more info on when it's coming to your community.
February is Black History month. This year's national theme for the month is “African Americans and Labor,” which focuses on the various and profound ways that work of all kinds intersect with the collective experience of Black people.
Maplewood Area Historical Society Conversation on the History of Race & Housing in Maplewood
Thursday, February 6th at 6:30 pm
Wakefield Park Community Building 1860 Hazelwood Street, Maplewood, MN 55109
Click here for more details
If you know of events happening in Maplewood, North Saint Paul or White Bear Lake, please let us help you share the information! Send details and any graphics to Kathleen HERE.