First meeting of Government and 3M Working Group, Citizen – Business Work Group to be held July 13

3M East Metro Settlement Updates

Save the date: First meeting of Government and 3M Working Group, Citizen – Business Work Group to be held July 13

The kick off meeting for the Government and 3M Working Group and the Citizen – Business Work Group will be held July 13 at Washington County’s Cottage Grove Service Center. The Government and 3M Working Group will meet from 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. The Citizen – Business Work Group will meet from 1:00 – 4:00 p.m.

Please note that applications for membership on the Citizen – Business Work Group are still being reviewed. The agencies will announce the membership of this group as soon as possible. 

Both of these groups are being formed to identify and recommend projects and priorities for funding with money from the 3M Settlement. Learn more about them on the 3M Settlement website:

Meetings of all 3M Settlement work groups are open to the public, and time will be reserved at the end of each meeting for questions from attendees.

In February 2018, Minnesota and the 3M Company settled their lawsuit regarding natural resource damages associated with a group of chemicals known as PFCs. 3M is making a grant of $850 million as a condition of the settlement to address two priorities in the east metro area. Priority 1 is safe drinking water and groundwater sustainability. Priority 2 is restoring and enhancing natural resources. 

This is the first of periodic updates that the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) and Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR) will distribute as implementation of the settlement proceeds. These updates will include information regarding drinking water and natural resource projects funded under the settlement. You can also visit the 3M settlement webpage to keep up with recent developments.