Construction activites have started at the future Lake & East Bde Maka Ska station
Construction has started in the Uptown neighborhood of Minneapolis, with major work currently along Lake Street and Lagoon Avenue between East Bde Maka Ska Parkway and Dupont Avenue.
Crews continue to work to install underground fiber optic cable along the corridor.
Separately from the B Line and Lake Street improvements, CenterPoint Energy is updating its infrastructure and gas meters in some locations. CenterPoint Energy staff may contact residents and businesses about potential short-term gas outages as they upgrade equipment. For more information on CenterPoint’s work, view its project website.
Current closure information
Dupont Avenue was closed starting April 1 between 29th and 31st streets, including the intersection with Lake Street, for up to 8-10 weeks. Traffic will be detoured to Lyndale Avenue during this time. During this closure, eastbound traffic on Lake Street will no longer be able to turn left at Dupont.
Closures will continue at Fremont & Lagoon Avenue until April 21.
- Later in April, once construction is complete at Fremont, the intersection of Emerson & Lagoon avenues will be closed for 2-3 weeks to construct Lake Street improvements. Westbound traffic on Lagoon will remain open but reduced to two lanes, or one lane as needed.
The intersection of Knox Avenue with Lake Street and with Lagoon Avenue is closed for approximately two weeks.
The north (right-hand) lanes of Lagoon Avenue between Dupont Avenue and East Bde Maka Ska Parkway are currently closed, maintaining two lanes for through traffic. This portion of Lagoon Avenue may be restricted to one lane to shorten the time needed for construction work and closures. This lane reduction is projected to last until mid-to-late May.
The south (right-hand) lane of Lake Street between Pillsbury Avenue and East Bde Maka Ska Parkway is currently closed, maintaining two lanes for through traffic. This portion of Lake Street may be restricted to one lane between 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. to enable more efficient completion of construction work. This lane reduction is projected to last until mid- to late May.
Upcoming construction activities
Lake/Lagoon and Dupont Avenue
This week, crews began storm sewer work.
The week of April 15, crews will complete storm sewer work and begin work on the water retention pond in the median.
Lagoon Avenue and Fremont Avenue
This week, crews completed curb and gutter work. Xcel Energy also upgraded facilities during this time.
The week of April 15, crews will begin patching concrete and working on underground electrical systems.
Lagoon Avenue and Emerson Avenue
Work at this intersection will begin the week of April 22, and will include a 2- to 3-week closure of Emerson Avenue to the north of Lagoon Avenue.
Work will include concrete removals, storm sewer work, and installation of new pedestrian corners.
Lagoon Avenue and Humboldt Avenue
This week, crews completed storm sewer work and curb and gutter work.
The week of April 15, crews will begin patching concrete and working on underground electrical systems.
Lagoon Avenue and Irving Avenue
This week, crews completed storm sewer work and curb and gutter work.
The week of April 15, crews will begin patching concrete and working on underground electrical systems.
Lagoon Avenue and James Avenue
This week, crews completed concrete removals and storm sewer work.
The week of April 15, crews will begin constructing curb and gutter, patching concrete, and working on underground electrical systems.
Lagoon Avenue and East Bde Maka Ska Parkway
This week, crews completed concrete removals.
The week of April 15, crews will begin storm sewer work, fiber optic work, bus pad paving, and curb and gutter work.
Lake Street and East Bde Maka Ska Parkway
The week of April 15, crews will complete concrete removals and begin fiber optic work.
The week of April 22, crews will complete fiber optic work and begin storm sewer work, bus pad paving, and curb and gutter work.
Lake Street and Knox Avenue
This week, parking and street restrictions went into place, and crews completed concrete removals.
Next week, crews will complete storm sewer work and curb and gutter work.
Lake Street and James Avenue
Work will begin at this intersection the week of April 15, and will include concrete removals, storm sewer work, underground electric work, and construction of new pedestrian corners.
Lake Street and Lyndale Avenue
Work will begin at this intersection the week of April 15 and will include concrete removals, storm sewer work, underground electric work, and construction of new pedestrian corners and a new B Line platform at the southeast corner of Lake & Lyndale.
Lake Street and Pillsbury Avenue
Work will begin at this intersection the week of April 15, and will include concrete removals, storm sewer work, underground electric work, and construction of new pedestrian corners.
General construction information
B Line and Lake Street improvements construction in 2024 will occur along Lake Street and Lagoon Avenue between France and Hiawatha avenues.
2024 construction work includes 15 B Line station platforms at eight intersections west of Hiawatha Avenue. Most construction in 2024 is related to Lake Street improvements funded by the City of Minneapolis and Hennepin County, which include:
Pedestrian and signal improvements at approximately 40 additional intersections.
Resurfacing and restriping of Lake Street and Lagoon Avenue, which includes 5.4 additional miles of bus-only lanes.
Construction will be phased, with work beginning between East Bde Maka Ska Parkway and Blaisdell Avenue.
Work in the corridor will include station construction, utility work, pavement and intersection improvements, traffic signal changes, and resurfacing of the pavement on Lake Street and Lagoon Avenue.
When an area is under construction, the street will be partially closed to vehicle traffic in stages, with one side of the street being worked on at a time. At least one driving lane in each direction will be open throughout construction.
Sidewalks will remain open on at least one side of the street, and access will be maintained to homes and businesses. Parking on Lake Street and Lagoon Avenue will be restricted in some areas.
Metro Transit outreach staff will continue to canvass the 2024 construction area throughout spring to connect with businesses and residents along the route to share project and construction information.
Any questions about B Line or Lake Street improvements construction can be directed to our construction hotline at 651-356-6995 or to BLine@metrotransit.org.