Metro Transit is seeking community feedback on the E Line Recommended Corridor Plan, which identifies planned E Line station and platform locations and includes revisions from the Draft Corridor Plan released in the fall of 2021. Explore the plan and provide your comments by April 8.
In September, we released a draft version of the E Line Corridor Plan for public review and comment. This plan was the result of project planning and community engagement beginning in 2018. We received 561 individual survey responses and emails providing feedback on the draft plan. A complete summary of the feedback we heard during the public engagement process is included in the Recommended Corridor Plan. Some key themes include:
Support for improved transit access to key destinations including schools, commercial and retail areas, and medical services
Support for bus-only lanes and other bus priority treatments to improve speed and reliability of service
Concerns about the scale of BRT stations and shelters and their potential to disrupt the existing character of the nearby area
Concerns about the removal of on-street parking at some station locations
Concerns about the potential removal of existing trees at some station locations
Support for station designs that integrate protected bicycle facilities
What's new in the Recommended Corridor Plan?
The E Line Corridor Plan defines the station intersections and platform locations at those intersections for the E Line project. The Recommended Corridor Plan is the second of three versions of the plan, and includes several revisions based on feedback received on the draft plan.
Revisions include:
Recommended changes to three station locations:
University & Berry: The northbound (terminal) platform is recommended to shift from on University Avenue west of Emerald Street to on Berry Street north of University Avenue following the left turn off University Avenue.
Upton & 43rd Street: The southbound platform is recommended to shift from the farside (southwest corner) of the intersection of Upton Avenue and 43rd Street to the nearside (northwest) of the intersection.
44th Street & Zenith: The station location is recommended to move from the intersection of 44th Street and Zenith Avenue to 44th Street and Abbott Avenue. The northbound and southbound platforms are both recommended to be located on the nearside (northeast and southwest corners) of the intersection.
Additional analysis of alternative platform locations at several station locations, with no changes recommended:
Hennepin/1st Avenue & 2nd Street NE
Sheridan & 39th Street
France & 47th Street
France & 50th Street
Expanded discussion of priorities for bus-only lanes and other bus priority treatments along the corridor
Summary of public feedback on the Draft Corridor Plan
How can I get involved?
Due to the continued pandemic, E Line project staff are not hosting in-person meetings. Here is how you can get more information or get involved: