ECLDS May Newsletter: News and Resources for Your Data Exploration

Minnesota EarlyChildhood Longitudinal Data System

News and Resources for Your Data Exploration

September 8, 2023

Group of first-graders running to school

New Year of Data Available for Your Exploration

As we start the new school year, learn more about last school year’s preschoolers, kindergartners, and third graders on the ECLDS website. By browsing Early Childhood Longitudinal Data System (ECLDS) reports, you can access and view disaggregated data for the 2021-2022 school year, all the way back to the 2013-2014 school year, for a total of nine years of data. Take a closer look at what the data tell you about Minnesota's young children and their families in your district, county, or economic development region. ECLDS reports can help you learn about the children and families participating in our state’s public programs, and inform possible strategies to support their participation and development.

Explore ECLDS Reports

Expanded Geography Filter Options

We have added a new geography filter option to the ECLDS (and SLEDS) public reports: Minnesota’s thirteen Economic Development Regions (EDRs). EDR boundaries are closely aligned to those of regional interagency early intervention committees (IEICs). You can now choose to view data filtered by school county, school district/charter school, or EDR. Keep an eye out for additional geography filters in the coming months as we consider new ways to disaggregate information that are most useful to you, while still protecting child and family privacy.

ECLDS Legislative Updates

We are grateful to the Minnesota legislature for their generous support of ECLDS and SLEDS during the recent legislative session. Minnesota’s Office of Higher Education (OHE) has administrative responsibility for both ECLDS and SLEDS, which together are recognized as Minnesota’s P-20W (preschool through workforce) data system, under the direction of the P-20 Education Partnership. Through the OHE budget, ECLDS and SLEDS received continued and expanded state funding for state fiscal years 2024 and 2025.

Expanded funding allows for the hire of an ECLDS Research Analyst, enabling ECLDS to double its administrative team with the addition of this new staff person who has significant data expertise. OHE also received funding to add an early childhood-specializing partner to the ECLDS+SLEDS Regional Coaching Network, a team of experts who can assist you in navigating ECLDS and SLEDS data reports, as well as accessing and analyzing data.

Tips and Tools

Our Regional Coaching Network Connects You with Data

Are you a data newbie? Whether it is your first time navigating the site or you need help to access a customized report, you can count on personalized support to help you along your data exploration. The ECLDS+SLEDS Regional Coaching Network is your nearby, personal resource for better understanding the data available to you in ECLDS.

The network has coaches in all corners of the state, ready to work closely with you to address the technical issues that may arise when accessing, using, and applying data shown on both ECLDS and SLEDS.

If you are new to ECLDS or would like assistance with data analysis, contact a regional data coach close to you.

Photo of team working

Share Your ECLDS Stories

How has ECLDS helped you in your work? Send us your anecdotes, stories, studies, press releases, and photos to help us understand how ECLDS is being used and how it could grow to meet your needs. We appreciate your feedback. Please email your stories to