Notice of updated form

minnesota department of health

Updated Form

The Office of Vital Records updated the form that hospitals and social service agencies use to report ‘safe place newborns’.

The updated form, named Birth Registration Information for Safe Place Newborns or Foundlings, is on the MDH website for Birth Registrars at Hospital Birth and Fetal Death Registration Forms, Statutes and Rules for Hospital Birth Registrars, and attached to this email. The revised form is accessible, fillable and includes instructions for the birth facility or social service agency completing the form.


  • Refresh any short cuts or favorites you created to get to the form (filename is changed)
  • Clear the browsing history from your browser
  • Use the updated form with 9/2019 in the lower right hand corner when your hospital receives a safe place newborn or foundling
  • Destroy any forms named Birth Registration for Foundlings and Newborns Left at the Hospital

If you have questions, contact the Office of Vital Records at or call 651-201-5993.