Updated Special Education Paraprofessional Qualification Requirements

department of education

February 29, 2024

Updated Special Education Paraprofessional Qualification Requirements

To: Directors of Special Education, Business Managers and SEDRA Contacts
From: Special Education Funding

Paraprofessionals must meet qualifications to be eligible for inclusion in the special education aid calculation or federal special education reimbursement.

Paraprofessional with Less than Three Years’ Experience

To be eligible for special education funds, a paraprofessional with less than three years’ experience, the paraprofessional must meet one of the following or have the Professional Educator Licensing and Standards Board (PELSB) paraprofessional credential:

  • At least two years of college credits (usually 60 credits in Minnesota) through an accredited institution of higher education; or
  • An associate’s or higher degree;
  • A passing score on a valid and reliable formal assessment (See “Paraprofessional Assessments” below) demonstrating the knowledge and ability to assist with instruction in reading/language, writing, mathematics or readiness for each.

Paraprofessional with at Least Three Years’ Experience

To be eligible for special education funds, a paraprofessional with three or more years’ experience, the paraprofessional must meet one of the following or have the PELSB professional credential:

  • At least two years of college credits (usually 60 credits in Minnesota) through an accredited institution of higher education; or
  • An associate’s or higher degree;
  • A passing score on a valid and reliable formal assessment (See “Paraprofessional Assessments” below) demonstrating the knowledge and ability to assist with instruction in reading/language, writing, mathematics or readiness for each; or
  • Has three years’ experience working as a paraprofessional and has met the requirements of the Paraprofessional Credential Competency Grid.

For the first two options, a specific course of college study is not required though the individual must be able to demonstrate the ability to assist with basic skills instruction. In all cases, the individual must demonstrate proficiency in the English Language. States, including the Minnesota Department of Education (MDE), may not waive the requirements for special education personnel, related service providers or paraprofessionals on an emergency, temporary or provisional basis.

Paraprofessional Assessments

Two state-approved assessments are available through most regional educational service cooperatives and some school districts:

  • The Paraeducator Assessments in Minnesota requires passing scores of 65% for the Instructional Support Test and 70% for the Knowledge and Application Test.
  • The ParaPro assessment in Minnesota requires a combined passing score of 460.

Test fees are not eligible for special education funding.

Assessment Test and Grid Preparation Expenses

The following activities are not eligible for special education funding:

  • Test, registration, reschedule, or score report fees
  • Training materials
  • Preparation classes
  • Study time
  • Practice exams
  • Test taking time

In addition to the costs above, the cost of any service is not eligible to be included in special education until the paraprofessional meets the requirements to be considered qualified. Staff utilizing one of the paraprofessional assessments would not be eligible for reimbursement until they have achieved a passing score. All prior salary and benefits paid to the individual is not eligible for special education reimbursement until the staff has passed the assessment.

Paraprofessional Competency Grid

If the paraprofessional has worked three or more years and does not have a passing score for Paraprofessional Assessments, a completed Paraprofessional Competency Grid portfolio may be used by the local educational agency (LEA) to determine eligibility. This portfolio is saved within the employee’s file. It is provided only to MDE if requested as part of a review, audit or monitoring.

Evidence may include professional development and training experiences, workshops, work experiences, academic coursework, and other professional activities. LEAs are not required to enter hours on the grid. They just need to write in the narrative for each competency and whether the individual has met the competency or not. The narrative may be as simple as the employee attended “XYZ” training to meet a specific competency. Similarly, “XYZ” training could be used to meet multiple competencies. An individual may request to take their Paraprofessional Competency Grid portfolio upon leaving the LEA to be used for employment with another LEA.

If you have questions, please contact the Special Education Funding and Data Team.

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