Zero Waste Update: Cleaning around the house

zero waste update

Upcoming workshops

March workshop: Cleaning and personal care products

Mom and girl with tote of green cleaning supplies

Take waste reduction beyond the bin with low waste cleaning and personal care products! Learn about options for simplifying and DIY-ing your cleaning and personal care products.

  • Saturday, March 13 from 10 to 11 a.m.
  • Tuesday, March 16 from 6 to 7 p.m.

Please RSVP on the Facebook events for March 13 or March 16 or by emailing your liaison. You can find the full schedule of workshops on our participant webpage.

Cleaning around the house

Family making green cleaners

As spring peeks around the corner and cleaning ramps up, commit to swapping out your cleaners with greener alternatives when they run out. Not only can you edit your routine to include fewer products and avoid packaging, you can make sure to use non-toxic ingredients for general cleaning to protect the health of your family.   

Avoid exposure to hazardous chemicals

Reading labels on cleaning products

Many of us choose standard cleaners based on the front label’s statements about cleanliness, not the hazard labels on the back. But if you take a closer look, you might find that you’re cleaning your tub with something you’re not supposed to get on your skin or flushing a corrosive substance down the drain and into the water supply. Cleaning products can get onto your hands or into your lungs, and our kids and pets can get them into their mouths. Make sure you’re using the safest products to get the job done. See the how to identify and reduce hazardous chemicals in your home guide (PDF) to learn more.

DIY with simple supplies

Green cleaning ingredients

Rather than worrying about which products are truly green and which are “greenwashed,” you can simply make your own. You might already have most of what is needed around the house. If you have vinegar, baking soda, dish soap and a rag, you’re in great shape! Most jobs can be done with these ingredients. Check out the cleaning around the house section of the Zero Waste Guide as well as our Green Cleaning Recipes (PDF) for recipes and tips.

Prevent waste

Low-waste cleaning supplies

Use your reuse mindset when it comes to cleaning. Buy vinegar or baking soda in large containers or from a bulk store to avoid packaging. Or you could refill a spray bottle with a multi-purpose cleaner and avoid trashing spray nozzles. Repurpose an old spice or parmesan container to sprinkle baking soda, cut up old towels or t-shirts for wiping rags, and use spent toothbrushes for scrubbing. Reuse old kitchen sponges for dirtier messes before tossing them out.

The smell of clean

Green cleaning vinegar smell

If you’re struggling from the lack of that “clean” scent that conventional cleaners have, remember that it’s likely just a synthetic fragrance and is not related to how well the products worked. As you train yourself out of the association that a strong smell means clean, you can infuse your vinegar with citrus and herbs or add a few drops of essential oils to your homemade cleaners.

Helpful links and resources

Hennepin County
Zero Waste Challenge

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