September CES Scoop

coordinated entry


September 2020

This month, in the Scoop:

  • A new policy is being implemented for clients who decline multiple referrals

  • Data and Dashboards now available on the Coordinated Entry Website

  • Reminder: The Minnesota HMIS Release of Information (ROI) allows sharing of information for the purposes of coordinating housing and services.

  • Coordinated Entry Leadership Committee Recap


A new policy is being implemented for clients who decline multiple referrals

What is happening:

The Coordinated Entry System (CES) Leadership Committee is implementing a new policy that will remove people from the Coordinated Entry Priority List who have declined 3 or more referrals. This policy will create an opportunity and movement for other people who are eligible for referral to accept a CES referral and move into housing.

Why was this policy implemented:

There are a subset of people who meet the criteria for a referral and are choosing to decline referrals for various reasons.  When a person repeatedly declines referral, they are tying up resources and taking referrals that could otherwise go to another person.  In essence, a log jam occurs which negatively impacts other people experiencing homelessness who may also be eligible for referrals.  The negative impact is felt by housing providers as well, who end up spending time working with the person only to have them decline the opportunity.

What do I need to know as an assessor and/or a case manager:

If a participant you assessed or case managed is removed from the Priority List due to this policy, an email will be sent to you informing you that the client was removed because they have declined 3 or more referrals. The Assessor and case manager would then work with the client to see if the Coordinated Entry System is the best fit.   

If it is determined that the CES is the best fit for the client, the Assessor and/or case manager will update the CES assessment and ensure that the client’s information and preferences are accurate, and add the client back onto the priority list. The Assessor will add comments about the housing plan moving forward into the notes section.


View policy here ----> Multiple declined referrals policy



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Data and Dashboards now available on the Coordinated Entry Website

Now, more than ever before, you can stay informed on the data that is being collected on the Coordinated Entry System (CES). The Coordinated Entry website has been recently updated with links to dashboards and reports that give you access to all sorts of data. 

Do you want to know how many participants are on the CES Priority List? Check out the Hennepin County ICA dashboard. 

Do you want to know how many assessments you completed last month? Check out the a monthly assessor report. 

Or, maybe you are curious how many individuals that were chronically homeless were housed in the last 6 months. For that answer, check out the chronic homelessness dashboards.

 All this and more can be found in the Data and Dashboards Drawer at 

data and dashboards

Reminder: The Minnesota HMIS Release of Information (ROI) allows sharing of information for the purposes of coordinating housing and services.

Housing and shelter providers can communicate to coordinate housing. 

When households are assessed for coordinated entry they are given the HMIS Data Privacy Notice and asked to sign the the HMIS ROI. By signing the ROI, households authorize social service agencies and programs like street outreach, shelters and housing programs to coordinate housing and services. A signed ROI means that Housing Providers can work with Shelter Providers to locate and coordinate housing and services. 

Who is covered by the HMIS Release of Information (ROI)?

The ROI covers over 200 agencies in Minnesota. ICA updates a list of Agencies Participating in HMIS  every month. You can view it on the Administrative Documents page of their website.




CES Leadership Committees Recap

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