Minnesota Veteran - March Edition

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Fort Snelling Memorial Rifle Squad - Honoring the Fallen for 35 Years

By Annie McCahery


Commander Terri Winter is the first female commander of the almost entirely male Fort Snelling Memorial Rifle Squad. She was elected unanimously by her squad. Though she describes the feeling of her election as “absolutely incredible,” Winter does not deny that there have been difficulties.  She had not realized how groundbreaking her election was for future generations until her phone started ringing off the hook, “After breaking that glass ceiling, I am just starting to see the struggles that our daughters, nieces, and granddaughters will have to struggle with.”




Desk of the Commissioner - March

Commissioner Shellito

Ending Veteran homelessness has been a major focus area for MDVA. On the national level, nearly 500 cities and states have made a commitment to end Veteran homelessness. Minnesota is no exception: Governor Dayton and his Administration committed to this goal as part of Heading Home: Minnesota’s Plan to Prevent and End Homelessness. In addition, 10 Mayors from around the state have also pledged to end Veteran homelessness this year.



Southeast Minnesota State Veterans Cemetery on Schedule for Completion

By Annie McCahery


Construction for the Southeast Minnesota State Veterans Cemetery is nearly complete. The expected completion for the Cemetery is scheduled for fall 2015. Since construction began in October, 2013, much of the Cemetery has been successfully finished while the rest is well on its way. According to Minnesota State Veterans Cemeteries Director, David P. Swantek, to date 80 percent of the overall project is already done. General earthwork, roadways, and installation of utilities and pre-placed crypts for casket burials has been completed. Cemetery buildings, final site work, irrigation system installation, and landscaping are all that remain.




Veterans Day on the Hill


Pictures from the 2015 Veterans Day on the Hill Rally are now available on our Flicker page.



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Salute to Women Veterans, May 16
