DNR – Quarterly PolyMet Permitting Update - 3rd Quarter 2017

minnesota department of natural resources

PolyMet Permitting Update

October 11, 2017

DNR – Quarterly PolyMet Permitting Update – 3rd Quarter 2017

About this Quarterly Update

To provide regular updates on the State’s review of PolyMet’s applications for its proposed NorthMet project, the DNR and MPCA are each issuing quarterly messages to those who have signed up to the GovDelivery list. This is the fourth quarterly update issued by the DNR.

Since the last quarterly update, the DNR has posted several draft permits for public comment on the DNR web site. Updates are as follows (please click on underlined text to link directly to the updated material):

Water Appropriation

On August 11, 2017, the DNR opened a public review and comment period for draft water appropriation permits for PolyMet’s proposed NorthMet project. In addition, the DNR also made available a fact sheet on the draft water appropriation permits. The public comment period for these draft permits ended on September 12. The proposed project would require six water appropriation permits for various construction and operation activities at the mine site and plant site. Prior to the public comment opportunity, the DNR had completed its comprehensive review of the company’s six water appropriation permit applications and considered input from state, local and tribal governments. These draft permits are consistent with rates and volumes evaluated and discussed in the NorthMet EIS. With the close of the public comment period, the DNR is now reviewing the written comments.

Dam Safety

On September 15, 2017, the DNR opened a public review and comment period for draft dam safety permits for PolyMet’s proposed NorthMet project. In addition, the DNR also made available a fact sheet on the two draft dam safety permits that the proposed project would require.

Prior to the public comment opportunity, the DNR and its external consultant Emmons Olivier Resources, Inc. (EOR) had completed a comprehensive review of the company’s two dam safety permit applications. They also considered input from state, local, and tribal governments.  One draft dam safety permit covers the proposed flotation tailings basin, which would be located on the site of the existing tailings basin of the historic LTV iron ore mine and would receive tailings (a mixture of finely ground waste rock and water). The second draft dam safety permit covers the proposed hydrometallurgical residue facility, which would receive residue (mostly gypsum) generated from a process that would use pressure and temperature reactions to extract additional precious metals beyond what can be achieved by the primary processing facility.

The DNR is accepting written public comments on the two draft dam safety permits until October 16, 2017.

Public Waters Work Permit

On September 15, 2017, the DNR also opened a public review and comment period for a draft Public Waters Work permit for PolyMet’s proposed NorthMet project. The proposed project would require one public waters work permit. In addition, the DNR also made available a fact sheet on the draft public waters work permit. 

Prior to the public comment opportunity, the DNR had completed its comprehensive review of the company’s public waters work permit application. This draft permit is for a culvert extension to widen Dunka Road, the connecting road between the proposed NorthMet plant site and mine site.

The DNR is accepting written public comments on the draft public waters permit until October 16, 2017.

Permit to Mine

DNR’s review of PolyMet’s other application – the permit to mine, including financial assurance proposals and the wetland replacement plan – is ongoing. The application is available from the DNR's PolyMet webpage

More Information

All GovDelivery messages, as well as additional documents, reports, and applications received to date are available on the State’s PolyMet Portal. Previous GovDelivery messages are under News on the main portal. Click on the DNR link to access other DNR-related documents.

State’s PolyMet Portal Website