DNR Opens 30-day Public Comment Opportunity on Draft PolyMet Dam Safety and Public Waters Work Permits

minnesota department of natural resources

PolyMet Permitting Update

September 15, 2017

DNR Opens 30-day Public Comment Opportunity on Draft PolyMet Dam Safety and Public Waters Work Permits


Minnesota DNR has opened a 30-day public comment period on draft dam safety and public waters work permits for the proposed NorthMet project. The proposed project would require two dam safety permits and one public waters work permit. 

DNR and its external consultant Emmons Olivier Resources, Inc. (EOR) have completed a comprehensive review of the company’s two dam safety permit applications. They also considered input from state, local, and tribal governments.  One draft dam safety permit covers the proposed flotation tailings basin, which would be located on the site of the existing tailings basin of the historic LTV iron ore mine and would receive tailings (a mixture of finely ground waste rock and water). The second draft dam safety permit covers the proposed hydrometallurgical residue facility, which would receive residue (mostly gypsum) generated from a process that would use pressure and temperature reactions to extract additional precious metals beyond what can be achieved by the primary processing facility.

DNR has also completed its comprehensive review of the company’s public waters work permit application. This draft permit is for a culvert extension to widen Dunka Road, the connecting road between the proposed NorthMet plant site and mine site.

DNR is now seeking public review and input on draft permit language before making any permitting decisions. DNR will accept written public comments on the two draft dam safety and the draft public waters work permits from September 15, 2017 until October 16, 2017. Please include the words “NorthMet Dam Safety” or “NorthMet Public Waters” in the title of your comment email or letter.

Written comments may be submitted no later than October 16, 2017 by email to: NorthMetPermitting.DNR@state.mn.us or by U.S. mail to:

MN Department of Natural Resources

ATTN: PolyMet NorthMet Project

500 Lafayette Road N, Box 45   

St. Paul, MN 55155-4045

PolyMet’s dam safety and public waters work permit applications along with DNR’s draft dam safety and public waters work permits and fact sheets are available at the DNR’s PolyMet webpage

An updated timeline graph is also available from the DNR. 

DNR’s review of PolyMet’s other applications – permit to mine, including financial assurance proposals and the wetland replacement plan – is ongoing. Applications are available from the DNR's PolyMet webpage

State PolyMet Portal

The State of Minnesota posts PolyMet permitting news from both the DNR and the MPCA (Minnesota Pollution Control Agency) at the State PolyMet Portal website