MPCA: PolyMet submits application for air permit to MPCA

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You are receiving this bulletin as a subscriber to the email notification list for the proposed PolyMet/NorthMet mining project. This list is hosted by the Department of Natural Resources but is used jointly by the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency and DNR.  If you are no longer interested in receiving these bulletins please use the links at the end to unsubscribe.

On August 24, Poly Met Mining, Inc. (PolyMet) submitted an air permit application to the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) for its proposed NorthMet project in northeastern Minnesota.

 The application can be found here:

Air quality permit applications include a description of:

  • equipment at the facility that will generate air pollutants
  • pollution control equipment that will be used to reduce emissions
  • type and quantity of air pollutants that will be emitted
  • potential air quality impacts near the facility

The information contained in these documents helps the MPCA determine which state and federal requirements apply. The MPCA will review the air permit application and determine if it contains the information necessary to start processing it. If so, the MPCA will begin developing conditions for a permit that ensures the project can meet applicable laws and requirements. During this process it is normal for MPCA technical staff to request additional information from the applicant.

There are still several steps and additional review that will occur before a permit decision and the project could move forward, if it is approved. Public input will be solicited if a draft air permit is developed. MPCA encourages public participation during the formal public notice and comment period when a draft permit is available for public review and comment. Additional information about the MPCA’s permitting processes for the PolyMet proposed project can be found at

This is one of several applications PolyMet will be submitting to the MPCA and the Department of Natural Resources (DNR). You can find information about other permits and approvals and receive updates from the MPCA and DNR at the state’s PolyMet web portal

Subscribers to this email list will be notified of key steps in the permitting processes for PolyMet such as opportunities for public comment, as well as news of any other applications received by MPCA and DNR.