DNR Spotlight - December 29, 2015

DNR Spotlight

The 2015 DNR year in pictures


Lehman mineral exploration donation

DNR leaders met with the wife and daughter of renowned mineral explorer Ernie Lehmann, who passed away in 2014 and entrusted the Lands and Minerals Division with decades of historical records and drill core samples to be made public. Lehmann was a pioneer in evaluating the mineral resource potential of northern Minnesota. Pictured L-R: Jess Richards, DNR Lands and Minerals Division director; Kate Lehmann; Jim Kiehne, North Central Mineral Ventures information manager; Sally Lehmann; and Barb Naramore, DNR assistant commissioner.


Badoura pinelands crop conversion

With land being rapidly converted to irrigated row crops in northern Minnesota (site in Badoura township shown above), the DNR ordered a discretionary environmental assessment worksheet in February and suspended approvals of 54 new groundwater appropriation permit applications/notifications submitted by agriculture company R.D. Offutt. After several meetings with the DNR, the company voluntarily withdrew all but five of its new groundwater permit applications. In September, the DNR announced it would not proceed with the environmental assessment worksheet, instead proposing a special study of groundwater and land use change in the Pineland Sands area of Becker, Cass, Hubbard and Wadena counties.


MNDNR logo

The new MNDNR logo was unveiled, complete with new hats, shirts and other items. Above, the new logo was displayed at Northwest Region headquarters in Bemidji.


avian flu testing

DNR staff sampled wild waterfowl droppings at Carlos Avery Wildlife Management Area as part of the state's avian influenza response. While waterfowl are known to serve as reservoirs for the disease, none of the DNR's 3,000-plus samples tested positive for the deadly H5N2 virus strain that infected more than 100 Minnesota poultry farms.


Lake Vermilion State Park groundbreaking

DNR Commissioner Tom Landwehr, Parks and Trails Division Director Erika Rivers, along with a host of current and former state leaders, broke ground on the campground construction at Lake Vermilion-Soudan Underground Mine State Park. 


Mississippi Riverboat cleanup

The DNR's Adopt-a-River program held its 24th Mississippi riverboat cleanup June 17 in the shadows of downtown St. Paul. Event organizer and DNR Clean Rivers Coordinator Paul Nordell (foreground) will retire Jan. 7 after more than 34 years with the DNR. Thanks to his leadership, Adopt-a-River has removed about 6.5 million pounds of trash from public waters statewide.


Pillsbury State Forest

A major windstorm ripped through the Brainerd lakes area, downing trees in the Pillsbury State Forest (above) and damaging area homes and property. DNR staff cleared debris on the ground and helped assess cleanup efforts from the air.


wildfire crew

Minnesota interagency fire crews assisted as wildfires raged this summer in Canada and western states like Idaho (above), California, Oregon, Alaska and Montana. The historic fire season was fueled by dry, windy conditions and a lack of mountain snowpack.


Mille Lacs fall assessment

DNR fisheries staff conducted their fall assessment on Mille Lacs Lake in the wake of an Aug. 3 walleye fishing closure enacted after state anglers exceeded the lake's 2015 harvest quota. The assessment found that pounds of spawning-age walleye and numbers of walleye from the 2013 year class were above established benchmarks, and the walleye fishery reopened to anglers Dec. 1 with a winter harvest cap of 5,000 pounds.


Minnesota Conservation Volunteer anniversary

L-R: Editor in Chief Kathleen Weflen, Managing Editor Keith Goetzman, Database Manager David Lent, Online Editor Mike Kallok, Circulation Manager Sue Ryan and Art Director Lynn Phelps celebrated Minnesota Conservation Volunteer magazine's 75th anniversary at DNR headquarters in St. Paul. Joining the festivities were a number of DNR employees and others who have written or worked for the magazine over the years.


PolyMet news conference

DNR Commissioner Tom Landwehr addressed reporters during a news conference in St. Paul as the final environmental impact statement for PolyMet Mining's proposed NorthMet project was released to the public. The DNR is currently reviewing public comments on the document and must determine if it is adequate before PolyMet can apply for more than 20 required local, state and federal approvals and permits.


Ken Soring retirement

Enforcement Division Director Col. Ken Soring retired Dec. 1 after more than 35 years with the DNR. In his retirement, he plans to spend some well-deserved time with friends and family  and his horses.