September Wage and Hour Bulletin: Know your workplace rights

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Wage and Hour Bulletin

September 2024

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Know your workplace rights

This year, the Minnesota Department of Labor and Industry (DLI) is promoting workplace rights for both workers and employers. Workplace Rights Week in Minnesota (Sept. 22-28, 2024) is an opportunity to educate workers and employers about their rights and responsibilities in the workplace. Safe and healthy workplaces are what make our economy and communities strong, and it’s important Minnesotans understand their workplace rights and are empowered to assert those rights.

During the week, DLI staff members plan to visit more than 1,000 worksites statewide to share information with workers and employers about their rights and responsibilities. Staff members and community partners will share messages and materials all week to increase awareness of workplace rights in Minnesota.

Sign up for a webinar during Workplace Rights Week:

NEW:  Earned sick and safe time video

We've created a video in English, Somali and Spanish that reviews 2024 legislative session changes to the earned sick and safe time law.

Watch the English, Somali or Spanish video.

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Find past editions of The Wage and Hour Bulletin.


Labor Standards serves the people of Minnesota by providing
information about the state's wage, hour and employment laws.

Phone:  651-284-5075 or 800-342-5354