Wage and Hour Bulletin
November 2023
New earned sick and safe time (ESST) law just weeks away – are you prepared?
Effective Jan. 1, 2024, Minnesota’s ESST law requires employers to provide paid leave to employees who work in the state.
Sick and safe time is paid leave that can be used for certain reasons, including when an employee is sick, to care for a sick family member or to seek assistance if an employee or their family member has experienced domestic abuse, sexual assault or stalking.
Employers must provide employees with one hour of sick and safe time for every 30 hours worked, up to at least 48 hours each year, unless the employer agrees to a higher amount.
Employers have other responsibilities under the ESST law, including providing the total number of ESST hours available for use and the total number of ESST hours used on employees’ earnings statements or paystubs at the end of each pay period.
Also, employers must provide employees with a notice by Jan. 1, 2024, or at the start of employment, whichever is later. The notice must be provided in English and in an employee’s primary language if that is not English.
ESST resources
The Department of Labor and Industry (DLI) has created a sample ESST employee notice employers can use, FAQs, a fact sheet and a workplace poster, available in multiple languages.
Find more information at dli.mn.gov/sick-leave.
New workplace posters available
Minnesota law requires employers to provide some notices to their employees and requires certain posters to be displayed in a location where employees can easily see them.
This includes the minimum-wage poster and a new Veterans benefits and services poster, which employers with more than 50 full-time employees are required to display.
These posters are available to print or order on DLI's workplace posters page at dli.mn.gov/posters.
Wage and Hour Bulletin archive
Find past editions of The Wage and Hour Bulletin at dli.mn.gov/business/employment-practices/minnesota-wage-and-hour-bulletin.
Labor Standards serves the people of Minnesota by providing information about the state's wage, hour and employment laws.
Phone: 651-284-5075 or 800-342-5354 Email: dli.laborstandards@state.mn.us Website: dli.mn.gov/laborlaw