Wage and Hour Bulletin
September 2023
Earned sick and safe time FAQs added, new video available
DLI has added frequently asked questions on its website about the new earned sick and safe time law, which goes into effect Jan. 1, 2024.
Questions and responses include example scenarios and different options employers may take to implement the law in their workplaces, including accrual, front loading and carryover provisions.
New video
DLI has also posted a new video that gives an overview of the earned sick and safe time law. It's also available in Somali and Spanish versions.
Earned sick and safe time webinar Oct. 5 or Oct. 11
Minnesotans are invited to attend an informational webinar about earned sick and safe time either Oct. 5 from 9:30 to 10:30 a.m. or Oct. 11 from 2 to 3 p.m. Both webinars will include the same presentation and information.
The webinar will review what employers and employees need to know about earn sick and safe time including who is covered, how accrual and front-loading work, and how it interacts with existing employer paid time off programs.
Visit dli.mn.gov/events to register for the webinar.
Minimum-wage, overtime webinar Oct. 19
DLI's Labor Standards Division will provide an Oct. 19 webinar that will cover state and federal minimum-wage and overtime requirements, as well as exemptions, for workers in Minnesota. For complete information and to register for the webinar, visit dli.mn.gov/events.
We're hiring: Two positions currently open
The DLI Labor Standards Division is hiring a labor investigator for its Wage and Hour unit and a construction contractor registration specialist for its Construction Misclassification unit. For more information, visit the Minnesota Careers website, click "View All Jobs" and enter job I.D. number 69831 (labor investigator) or 69782 (specialist) for complete information and to apply.
DLI's Labor Standards Division will be hiring a variety of positions in the coming months and encourages those interested to check the Minnesota Careers website frequently.
Wage and Hour Bulletin archive
Find past editions of The Wage and Hour Bulletin at dli.mn.gov/business/employment-practices/minnesota-wage-and-hour-bulletin.
Labor Standards serves the people of Minnesota by providing information about the state's wage, hour and employment laws.
Phone: 651-284-5075 or 800-342-5354 Email: dli.laborstandards@state.mn.us Website: dli.mn.gov/laborlaw