Wage and Hour Bulletin
August 2023
Construction Worker Wage Protection Act now in effect
The Construction Worker Wage Protection Act (CWWPA) is a new law making a contractor liable for unpaid wages, fringe benefits, penalties and liquidated damages owed to a construction worker by a subcontractor under the contractor.
Construction workers have the right to seek their unpaid wages from the contractor in addition to or instead of the subcontractor that did not pay all of their wages owed. Workers may file a wage claim with the Department of Labor and Industry (DLI) or file a claim in court to recover their unpaid wages.
Pay-history ban effective Jan. 1, 2024
Employers in Minnesota may no longer ask a job applicant about their pay history beginning Jan. 1, 2024. This law is being implemented, overseen and enforced by the Minnesota Department of Human Rights.
Earned sick and safe time online resources being added
DLI continues to add online resources and information for workers and employers about the earned sick and safe time law that becomes effective Jan. 1, 2024, with much more coming soon. Learn more at dli.mn.gov/sick-leave.
Save the date: Minimum-wage, overtime webinar Oct. 19
DLI's Labor Standards Division is providing a series of webinars to help workers and employers better understand the state's wage and hour laws. The Oct. 19 webinar will cover state and federal minimum-wage and overtime requirements, as well as exemptions, for workers in Minnesota. For complete information and to register for the webinar, visit dli.mn.gov/events.
Sept. 20: Small-business connections and support event
Get to know local, state and federal agencies and organizations that are ready to assist Minnesota small businesses during a free event Sept. 20 at the Brookdale Library in Brooklyn Center, Minnesota. Participating agencies include: the Minnesota departments of Administration, Employment and Economic Development, Labor and Industry, and Revenue; the IRS; the U.S. Department of Labor's Wage and Hour Division; the U.S. Small Business Administration; and more.
Details: Sept. 20, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.; Brookdale Library, 6125 Shingle Creek Pkwy., Brooklyn Center, MN.
We're hiring: Two positions currently open
The DLI Labor Standards Division is hiring a labor investigator for its Wage and Hour unit and a management analyst for its Prevailing Wage unit. For more information, visit the Minnesota Careers website, click "View All Jobs" and enter job I.D. number 68824 (labor investigator) or 68473 (management analyst) for complete information and to apply.
DLI's Labor Standards Division will be hiring a variety of positions in the coming months and encourages those interested to check the Minnesota Careers website frequently.
Wage and Hour Bulletin archive
Find past editions of The Wage and Hour Bulletin at dli.mn.gov/business/employment-practices/minnesota-wage-and-hour-bulletin.
Labor Standards serves the people of Minnesota by providing information about the state's wage, hour and employment laws.
Phone: 651-284-5075 or 800-342-5354 Email: dli.laborstandards@state.mn.us Website: dli.mn.gov/laborlaw