Wage and Hour Bulletin
April 2023
Learn what wage theft is and contact us with questions
In recent years, the Department of Labor and Industry’s (DLI’s) Labor Standards unit has recovered millions of dollars in wages for workers.
These workers were subject to what's called wage theft, which is when an employer does not pay all wages earned by employees.
DLI understands most Minnesota employers pay their employees correctly for the work they perform; however, we also understand some employers do not.
In 2019, Minnesota passed a law to deter wage theft. Part of that law requires employers to provide workers with employee notices -- a written notice given to each employee at the start of employment that outlines who they work for, what and when they will be paid, and other terms of their employment.
Keep in mind, whenever information in this notice changes, employers must provide notice of the changes in writing to employees before the changes happen.
To help employers avoid committing wage theft, follow these tips:
- Pay your employees at least the state minimum wage.
- Pay your employees for all hours worked, including employer-required training.
- Pay your hourly employees for overtime.
- Pay your employees at least every 31 days, on a regularly scheduled payday that they are notified of ahead of time.
- Do not misclassify employees as independent contractors.
Save the date: May 1 event in Mankato
Have you ever wondered whether state wage and hour laws, federal wage and hour laws, or both apply to your workplace? Have you ever been confused about which laws to follow?
Get answers at a May 1 event at CareerForce in Mankato, Minnesota, with representatives from DLI and the U.S. Department of Labor’s Wage and Hour Division.
Learn more and reserve a spot at bit.ly/3UQ60MF.
What topics do you want to learn more about?
DLI is committed to helping employers and workers better understand their rights under the laws. Are there any topics you or your business are interested in learning more about?
Complete our survey and let us know: forms.office.com/g/XsZ6y1aukw.
Labor Standards serves the people of Minnesota by providing information about the state's wage, hour and employment laws.
Phone: 651-284-5075 or 800-342-5354 Email: dli.laborstandards@state.mn.us Website: dli.mn.gov/laborlaw