Wage and Hour Bulletin
April 2022
How often should an employer pay employees?
Employers must pay all wages, including salary, earnings and gratuities earned by an employee, at least once every 31 days on a regular payday designated in advance by the employer. Typically, employers pay employees weekly or biweekly. Commissions earned by an employee must be paid at least once every three months.
How can an employer pay an employee?
Employers may pay employees either by:
- cash;
- check;
- direct deposit; or
payroll card.
If an employee objects to being paid by direct deposit, the employer must switch to another method of payment. Employers seeking to pay an employee through a payroll card must obtain an employee's written consent prior to paying an employee by this method.
When must credit card tips be paid out?
Gratuities left for a direct-service employee through a credit card must be paid to the employee in the pay period in which they are received.
Are earnings statements always required?
Earning statements, otherwise referred to as pay stubs or check stubs, are required to be issued to employees at the end of each pay period.
Other pay, paycheck laws
Other information about pay and paycheck laws is available on DLI's website.
Labor Standards serves the people of Minnesota by providing information about the state's wage, hour and employment laws.
Phone: 651-284-5075 or 800-342-5354 Email: dli.laborstandards@state.mn.us Website: www.dli.mn.gov/laborlaw