Employee notice requirements


Wage and Hour Bulletin

August 2020

Employee notice

Minnesota's employee notice requirements

All employers must provide each employee with a written notice at the start of employment and keep a copy of the notice on file, which must be signed by the employee.

The notice provides each employee with basic terms of employment, including who their employer is, how much and how often they will be paid and paid-time-off availability.

When a change notice is required

When information required on the notice changes, such as a pay rate, the employer must inform the employee in writing of those changes before the changes take effect.

If the employer has already provided written information to the employee about forthcoming changes in a handbook, collective bargaining agreement or otherwise, an additional change notice is not required unless the future changes are modified.

Along with the original notice issued to the employee, a copy of any written changes to the notice that were provided to each employee must be kept on file by the employer.

Example notice available for employer use

Employers may use an example notice posted on the Department of Labor and Industry's (DLI) website or they can create their own. DLI's example notice is translated into 13 languages.   

Minneapolis' employee notice requirements

The city of Minneapolis has its own employee notice requirements under the city's Wage Theft Ordinance. Some additional information may be required on their notice.

Employee notice resources

DLI's Labor Standards staff members can provide a presentation about the employee notice requirements or other wage and hour topics. Email your request to dli.laborstandards@state.mn.us.

New worker protections during COVID-19 video

To address worker confusion during the COVID-19 pandemic, DLI created a video that reviews worker protections, such as workplace safety and health, sick leave, final wages and workers’ compensation.

Watch the full-length video or shorter segments on workplace safety and  health, workers' compensation or labor standards.

Visit dli.mn.gov/updates for more COVID-19 information and resources.


Labor Standards serves the citizens of Minnesota by providing
information about the state's wage, hour and employment laws.

Phone:  651-284-5075 or 800-342-5354
Email:  dli.laborstandards@state.mn.us
Website:  www.dli.mn.gov/laborlaw