Packinghouse workers bill of rights law

minnesota department of labor and industry

Wage and Hour Bulletin

July 20, 2018

Packinghouse workers bill of rights law

In 2007, the Minnesota Legislature passed the packinghouse workers bill of rights law to help safeguard workers in meatpacking facilities. The meatpacking industry’s workforce is diverse, drawing workers from across the globe.

Whether you work within or engage with the meatpacking industry, be aware of the guidelines employers in the industry must follow to ensure compliance.

What information must an employer provide to an employee?

According to the packinghouse workers bill of rights law, the employer must furnish employees with the equipment needed to safely perform their jobs under Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) standards.

In writing or in person, the employer must also provide an explanation -- in an employee's native language -- about the employee's rights and duties, including the:

  • employee's salary and benefits plans;
  • employee's job position;
  • company's leave policies;
  • company's work hours and work hour policy; and
  • occupational hazards known to exist for the position.

The explanation must also include information about employee rights protected by state or federal law and a description of where additional information about those rights may be obtained.

What does the packinghouse workers bill of rights provide to employees?

The packinghouse workers bill of rights law ensures employees have the right:

  • to a safe workplace;
  • to adequate equipment to safely perform their work according to OSHA standards; 
  • to be free from discrimincation;
  • to organize and bargain collectively; and
  • to refrain from organizing and bargaining collectively.

    Packinghouse bill of rights workplace posters available

    Workplace posters about the packinghouse workers bill of rights law are available free in seven languages for display in work and break areas.

    Additional information

    Labor Standards serves the citizens of Minnesota by providing 
    information about the state's wage, hour and employment laws.

     Phone:  651-284-5070 or 800-342-5354